Home » Meeting Minutes » Town Board Minutes » September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017




September 14, 2017


Members Present:        Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor

Stephen L. Rich, Councilman

Paul V. Desormo, Councilman

David D. Prosser, Councilman

Timothy McAtee, Councilman


Members Absent:


Councilman Desormo offered a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting at 7:00 PM and called for the roll of members.  All members were present.  Attorney Joseph Russell was also present.


MOTION #71-2017

Supervisor Bartlett moved to accept the minutes from the August 13, 2017 meeting, Councilman Prosser seconded.

Ayes All

Supervisor Bartlett opened the floor to the public. Claire Smith, 25492 E Gotham Street Road, asked the Board if they would consider reducing the speed limit on their road.  There have been many accidents on this road because of the sharp turns and hills.  The road is becoming more developed and are having more driveways installed.  Supervisor Bartlett agreed that area should have a lower speed limit.  He explained they will have to petition the County Highway Department and Board of Legislators to request the speed reduction.  He will prepare a resolution for the October board meeting.  No one else wished to speak, the floor was closed.

The Town Clerk had no correspondence this month.

Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerk’s and Town Ambulance reports.


MOTION #72-2017

WHEREAS, the N.Y.S. Office of Court Administration provides JCAP grant funding for Municipal Courts underwriting the costs to Town Courts for purchasing items necessary for the conduct of business in the Town of Watertown Justice Court, and:

WHEREAS, the Grant application must be submitted and accompanied by a resolution of support from the Town Council requesting said grant funding.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town of Watertown Council hereby supports and recommends favorable consideration for the JCAP Grant for the following items:

  • 1KYOCERA TASK alfa 500zi Copy Machine $5615.00 (quote attached)

A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Rich.

Ayes All



The sand bids were opened.  There was only one bid submitted, it was submitted by Bauer Concrete & Masonry, Inc, 1941 US Rte 11, Mannsville NY, 13661.  The bid was for 2,000 yards of screened sand @ $6.25 a yard for a cost of $12,500.00.  There was discussion of the board concerning the bid.  After discussion the board agreed to accept the bid conditional on clarification of being loaded, and receipt of a non-collusive statement within 5 business days of this meeting.  Councilman Desormo asked about the quality of the sand. Highway Superintendant Rohr vouched for the quality.

MOTION #73-2017

WHEREAS:  the Town Council adopted a resolution dated August 10, 2017 authorizing the publication of the notice of bids for the purchase of 2,000 yards or 2,600 tons of screened and loaded sand for highway department purposes in the winter months; and

WHEREAS:  the Town accepted sealed bids accompanied by a non-collusion statement for the sand purchase up until 3:00 pm Thursday, September 14; and

WHEREAS:  all bids submitted for consideration and compliance with the General Municipal Law have been reviewed by this Board; and of the bids considered responsive and responsible the Town of the Watertown Council hereby authorizes the purchase of 2,000 yards or 2,600 tons of screened and loaded sand from Bauer Concrete & Masonry, Inc, 1941 US Rte 11, Mannsville NY, 13661 for the purchase price of $6.25 per yard.

BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED:  the Town of Watertown Council herby awards the bid to  Bauer Concrete & Masonry, Inc, 1941 US Rte 11, Mannsville NY, 13661. The bid is conditioned on there being clarification of bid price per yard and specify it will be loaded along with a non-collusion statement filed in the Clerk’s Office within 5 business days.

A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman McAtee.

Ayes All

MOTION #74-2017

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Watertown will hold a public hearing October 5, 2017 at 7:00 pm to introduce Local Law No. 1 for the year 2017.

A Local Law to override the Tax Levy Limit established by Section 3-C of the New York General Municipal Law.  Said meeting will be held at the Town of Watertown Municipal Building, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601.

All persons wishing to speak for or against proposed resolution shall be heard.

A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Desormo.

Ayes All

MOTION #75-2017

Supervisor Bartlett gave the Board members a copy of the request for the Highway Teamsters contract.  Supervisor Bartlett offered at motion to adjourn to executive session at 7:17 pm to discuss the contract, seconded by Councilman Rich.

Ayes All

The meeting was reconvened at 7:45 pm

MOTION #76-2017

Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.

Utilities paid prior to the meeting


General Vouchers       #          159     to         161     Total    $     13,447.82

Highway Vouchers     #          107      to         107      Total    $     17,105.76

Spec. Dist. Vchrs.       #           64      to           64      Total    $      2,707.87


Vouchers approved for monthly meeting


General Vouchers       #          162      to         176      Total    $     8,250.16

Highway Vouchers     #          108      to         123      Total    $    44,370.41

Spec. Dist. Vchrs.       #            65      to          70      Total    $  113,016.60


Councilman McAtee seconded the motion.

Ayes All

Supervisor Bartlett asked if there was any old or new business to discuss.

Councilman Prosser discussed the possibility of changing the hours of the transfer site to 8:00 am to 4:00 pm for the winter months. This would allow the employees to leave before dark.  Superintendant Rohr explained that because of way the plow routes are set up it would be difficult to get there sooner in the morning to be plowed out.  The only other option would be to cut one hour of employment.  The Board agreed to leave the hours the way they are.

MOTION #77-2017

Supervisor Bartlett moved to authorize payment of the first installment of $40,000.00 to Venue Strategies of NYC.  Fee as per agreement for Phase 1 study to further economic development in the area, Councilman Desormo seconded.

Ayes All

Supervisor Bartlett updated the Board on the Restore Grant application submitted by the FX Caprara Car Co. for property located at 19138 US Rte 11, Watertown, NY.

MOTION #78-2017

Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 pm, Councilman Desormo seconded.

Ayes All



Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601