Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
August 10, 2017
Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
Paul V. Desormo, Councilman
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Timothy McAtee, Councilman
Members Absent: Stephen L. Rich, Councilman
Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting at 7:00 pm with Pledge of Allegiance followed by a roll call of members present. Attorney Russell was also present.
MOTION #66-2017
Supervisor Bartlett moved to accept the minutes for July 13, 2017 meeting, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Ayes All
The floor was opened to the public
Mr. Tackley from the Rhode Family Food Pantry addressed the board. He thanked the board for the financial support to the food pantry. He informed the board of the success of the program for so many families in the Southern Jefferson County area. He presented the Board members a packet with the details of the program. He asked if the Board would consider their program again in the 2018 budget.
Roger Tibbetts, Town Assessor addressed the Board analyzing the results of a revaluation of the town properties. It would be costly to the Town and he feels it would not impact the higher end homes but would double the lower value homes where the most vulnerable residents live. The other major factor in the proposed revaluation is the impact on senior citizens who have enjoyed benefits of the enhanced star program. Some have had no school taxes but this would change if their assessments are raised. He went over some examples with the Board.
He suggested an alternative to the revaluation of the whole town would be to do the vacant land in the town to get them more in line with today’s market values. The last revaluation was done in 1990. He asked the board to consider hiring a former Jefferson County Real Property employee, Christine Thurston to help him with this process. He has asked for an addition to 2018 budget of $4,500 for her services.
Mr. Tibbetts informed the Board the Governor is pushing to consolidate the assessment at the county level. He shared his opinion with the Board. He feels it would cost the taxpayer more and not create a benefit.
Councilman Desormo complemented Mr. Tibbetts for doing a good job for the town though his many years as the Town Assessor.
No one else wished to speak; the floor was closed.
The Town Clerk: Mrs. Desormo shared a request from Pizza Hut, 20800 NYS Rte 3 asking for a Waiver of Notice for the renewal of the current ABC License. They will be changing to a Beer Only License.
MOTION #67-2017
WHEREAS, Pizza Hut, 20800 NYS Rte 3 in the Town of Watertown has asked for a Waiver of Notice for the renewal of the current ABC License. The current license is being changed to Beer Only License.
WHEREAS, taking into consideration the length of time the New York licenses have been in place.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Council hereby agrees to the Waiver of Notice for the renewal of the current ABC License for Pizza Hut, 20800 NYS Rte 3 in the Town of Watertown.
A motion to adopt the forgoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman McAtee.
Ayes All
Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerk’s report.
MOTION #68-2017
WHEREAS, it is necessary to solicit for sealed bids to furnish the Town with 2,000 yards or 2,600 tons of screened and loaded sand for the highway department use in winter months; and
WHEREAS, the Town will accept sealed bids accompanied by a non-collusion statement on the sale to Town of Watertown of said material up until Thursday September 14th at 3:00 pm; and
WHEREAS, all sealed bids will be reviewed for compliance with the General Municipal Law (competitive bid requirements) and the bid winner will be awarded to the most responsive and responsible bidder at the Thursday, September 14, 2017 Town Council meeting.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a public notice in the official newspaper of the Town calling for sealed bids to be received at the Town of Watertown Town Clerks office up until 3:00 pm, Thursday September 14, 2017.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Town council retains the right to accept or deny any and all bids not in compliance with the General Municipal Law (competitive bid requirements)
A motion to adopt the forgoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Ayes All
MOTION #69-2017
Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 138 to 158 Total $ 23,061.65
Highway Vouchers # 95 to 106 Total $ 22,593.88
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 52 to 63 Total $ 124,257.19
Councilman Desormo seconded the motion.
Ayes All
Supervisor Bartlett inquired about the process to raise the occupancy tax in the Town. Attorney Russell advised it would be amended by Local Law unless there is something in Municipal Home Rule Law stating otherwise. Supervisor Bartlett asked Mr. Russell to check to see if it can be done at the local level or if the State or County needs to be involved.
Old and New Business
Supervisor Bartlett updated the Board that the MS4 regulation would not begin until 2018. He also discussed with the Board the possibility of hiring Randy Vaas as the MS4 Coordinator. He has completed the training and has his certification. The Board agreed, Supervisor Bartlett will add a line item in the 2018 budget for the position.
MOTION #70-2017
Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 pm, seconded by Councilman Desormo.
Ayes All
Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk