Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
July 7, 2014
Members Present: Tom Boxberger, Co-Chair
Jim Smith, Co-Chair
Pam Desormo
Randy Vaas
Members Excused: Terry MacAdam
Mr. Boxberger called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 7:00 p.m.
Motion 47-14: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Vaas to accept the minutes of the June 2, 2014 meeting as written and distributed.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Mr. Boxberger announced that there will be a public hearing on the Proposed Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Watertown at the next Town Board meeting on July 10, 2014. The Comprehensive Plan is a “vision” for the future of the Town of Watertown. If you would like to review a copy of the plan you can contact the Town Clerk’s Office.
Public Hearing
Michael & Lillian Kinney – 24243 County Route 159, Tax Map #83.18-1-9.1 – 2 Lot Subdivision
Legal notice was posted in the newspaper and evidence that adjacent property owners were notified.
The public hearing was opened at 7:02 p.m. No one from the public wished to speak. The public hearing was closed at 7:02 p.m.
Sign Permits
Bonnie Herman – The Scrub Hub – 19033 US Route 11 – Sign Permit
Bonnie Herman presented plans for proposed signage for The Scrub Hub, 19033 US Route 11. Discussion followed.
Motion 48-14: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to authorize the Zoning Officer of the Town of Watertown to issue a sign permit for The Scrub Hub as shown on Sheet #1, 2, & 3, signed by Bonnie Herman, dated 7/7/14. The information was amended to show a setback of 32′ from the shoulder of the road to accommodate the 15′ town setback from the 17′ right-of-way, contingent upon receipt of all fees.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Ms. Herman will need a zoning permit.
Jaime Short – Old Garage Deli – 19059 US Route 11 – Sign Permit
Bonnie Herman, on behalf of Jaime Short, presented plans for proposed signage for Old Garage Deli, 19059 US Route 11. Discussion followed.
The proposed plans do not meet zoning setback requirements. The board cannot take action on this proposed signage. Ms. Herman will contact Ms. Short and have her contact Mrs. Desormo when she decides how she wants to proceed.
NASCO Signs – Brian Exford – State Farm Insurance – 18987 US Route 11 – Sign Permit
Donna Yang, NASCO Signs, on behalf of Brian Exford, State Farm Insurance, presented plans for proposed signage for State Farm Insurance at 18987 US Route 11. Discussion followed.
Motion 49-14: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to authorize the Zoning Officer for the Town of Watertown to issued a sign permit to State Farm Insurance located at 18987 US Route 11 as shown on two Drawings labeled Project 309647-1, dated 6/4/14, contingent upon verification of placement 15′ from the DOT right-of-way.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
84 Lumber – 20181 NYS Route 12F – Tax Map #73.19-1-5.2 – Sign Permit
Mike Britton, Sign Designs, submitted plans for proposed signage on behalf of 84 Lumber, 20181 NYS Route 12F. Mr. Britton stated that approval was granted on January 14, 2014, contingent upon submission of an updated site map detailing the setbacks, and showing an ornamental base at the bottom of the pole. He is now submitting amended plans. Discussion followed.
Motion 50-14: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to authorize the Zoning Officer for the Town of Watertown to issue a sign permit for 84 Lumber, 20181 NYS Route 12F. The sign will be located 15′ from the DOT right-of-way and 15′ from the side property line as shown on a drawing signed by Mike Britton, dated 7/7/14. The sign will be 19′ x 17′ with a planter box at the base as shown on Drawing 108836, Page A1-1, dated 7/7/14.
Ayes – 3
Nay – 1: Motion Carried.
Mr. Britton will need a zoning permit signed by the property owner.
Michael & Lillian Kinney – 24243 County Route 159 – Tax Map #83.18-1-9.1 – 2 Lot Subdivision.
Michael Kinney submitted updated plans for a 2 lot subdivision at 24243 County Route 159, Tax Map #83.18-1-9.1. Discussion followed.
Motion 51-14: Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to grant a 2 lot subdivision for Michael H. & Lillian M. Kinney at 24243 County Route 159, Tax Map #83.18-1-9.1. Lot #1 being 0.93 acres and Lot #2 being 15.7 acres as shown on plans labeled Project #14-135 signed & stamped by Michael W. Battista, dated 5/24-29/14, contingent upon satisfactory submission and review of lot descriptions.
Ayes – 3
Abstention – 1: Motion Carried.
John Bellinger – 20255 NYS Route 3 – Tax Map #82.11-1-33.1 – 3 Lot Subdivision
John Bellinger submitted proposed plans for a 3 lot subdivision at 20255 NYS Route 3, Tax Map #82.11-1-33.1. Discussion followed.
The proposed plans to not meet zoning requirements. Mr. Bellinger has a couple options. He can request a zone change from the Town Board or approach the Zoning Board of Appeals and request a variance. It was suggested that Mr. Bellinger contact DOT for highway cut approvals. Mr. Bellinger will contact Mrs. Desormo when he decides how he wishes to proceed.
Voyageur Properties, LLC – US Route 11 – Tax Map #100.07-2-19.1 – 5 Lot Subdivision.
Pat Scordo, GYMO, on behalf of Voyageur Properties, LLC approached the board regarding a possible 5 lot subdivision on US Route 11, Tax Map #100.07-2-19.1. Mr. Scordo stated that there may be a dilemma with this request as there was a subdivision on this property in 2010 with no land being sold since that date. Discussion followed. The board suggested that Mr. Scordo contact the state for legal interpretation of the Realty Subdivision Law and Environmental Conservation & Public Health Law.
Mr. Scordo also asked if the SEQRA prepared for this property in 2010 is still good. Mr. Vaas stated he believes that the SEQRA is still good.
Lot Line Adjustment
Willis/Lundy-Way – Deltra Willis – 24062 Gotham Street Road, Tax Map #91.07-1-21.2 & Maureen Lundy-Way, 24654 Gotham Street Road, Tax Map #91.07-1-21.1 – Lot Line Adjustment.
Deltra Willis and Maureen Lundy-Way submitted proposed plans for a lot line adjustment at 24062 Gotham Street Road & 24654 Gotham Street Road. Discussion followed. The board agreed to consider this a lot line adjustment as no new parcels are created or destroyed.
Motion 52-14: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to grant a lot line adjustment for Deltra Willis, 24062 Gotham Street Road, Tax Map #91.07-1-21.2 and Maureen Lundy-Way, 24645 Gotham Street Road, Tax Map #91.07-1-21.1. This lot line adjustment will convey .03 acres from Tax Map #91.07-1-21.1, the property of Maureen Lundy-Way to be combined with Tax Map #91.07-1-21.2, the property of Deltra Willis and .42 acres from Tax Map #91.07-1-21.2, the property of Deltra Willis to be combined with Tax Map #91.07-1-21.1, the property of Maureen Lundy-Way, contingent of satisfactory review of lot descriptions.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Rachael Lewis – 17871 County Route 156 – Tax Map #91.11-1-41.1 – Lot Line Adjustment.
Stan Zeccolo, Land Surveyor, on behalf of Rachael Lewis presented proposed plans for a 2 lot subdivision and lot line adjustment at 17871 County Route 156, Tax Map #91.11-1-41.1. Discussion followed.
Mr. Zeccolo needs to submit two separate applications. One for a 2 lot subdivision and one for a lot line adjustment. Mr. Zeccolo will update the plans and come back at a future meeting.
Land Use Discussion
Melanie Furgal Iacovino – Tax Map #90-18-1-16 – Discussion of possible use of a R-4 parcel with limited access off County Route 64.
Melanie Furgal Iacovino & Barry Kukowski, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson, Realty USA, approached the board regarding property Ms. Iacovino owns off County Route 64. Ms. Iacovino wants to know what can be done with this land? Discussion followed.
It was suggested that Ms. Iacovino approach adjacent property owners to see if they would be willing to contact the Town for possible zone change on all parcels as the Town is not allowed to change the zoning for only one parcel. Another option would be to see if adjacent property owners would like to buy her property.
Site Plan
Griffith Energy – 21822 Gillette Road – Preliminary discussion for possible expansion
Steve Hall, Contractor, and representatives of Griffith Energy presented preliminary plans for a possible expansion of Griffith Energy at 21822 Gillette Road. Discussion followed.
Plans needs to address water/sewer issues, setback & road frontage requirements. The Town of Watertown Highway Superintendent needs to be contacted regarding highway cuts. Any proposed signage should also be submitted with a completed application when plans are final. The planning board would be willing to set down with Mr. Hall and representatives of Griffith Energy for an informal sketch plan when they are ready to proceed with their plans.
Mary Dudo – Salmon Run Mall – Construction of 5,500 square foot restaurant between Olive Garden & Red Lobster.
Pat Scordo, GYMO & Mary Dudo, Salmon Run Mall, submitted a completed application and proposed plans for a 5,500 square foot restaurant between Olive Garden & Red Lobster. An Environmental Report is being prepared and will be submitted when it is completed. Discussion followed.
Mr. Vaas will review the paperwork submitted. He does not believe lead agency needs to be declared. Mary and Pat would like to return at the August meeting and hopefully a public hearing can be scheduled for this proposed project as well as referral to the County for their review.
Morgan Multifamily Development (PG Apartments, LLC) – County Route 202 – Tax Map #82.11-1-35.226 – Discussion to amend the site plan of the Maintenance Facility.
Pat Scordo, GYMO, on behalf of PG Apartments, LLC, submitted preliminary plans to increase the maintenance facility square footage from 800 sf to 1,600 sf at AP Apartments, LLC located on County Route 202. Discussion followed.
The board will review the plans and comment at the next meeting.
Motion 53-14: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Vaas to schedule a special meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board for Monday, July 21, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. for the sole purpose of reviewing the proposed plans for PG Apartments, LLC.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 54-14: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Susan Burdick