Home » Meeting Minutes » May 3, 2021

May 3, 2021

Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
May 3, 2021

Members Present: Tom Boxberger, Co-Chair
Pam Desormo, Co-Chair
Randy Vaas

Members Excused: Terry MacAdam
Jim Smith

Mr. Boxberger called the regular May meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 3:00 p.m.

Motion 33-21: Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to accept the minutes of the April 5, 2021 meeting as written and distributed.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 34-21: Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2021 special meeting as written and distributed.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 35-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to schedule a workshop meeting on Monday, June 7, 2021 with the Tug Hill Commission immediately following the regular Planning Board meeting to review and update local laws.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Fuccillo Mazda – 18822 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.09-1-6.2 – Sign Permit.

A representative from Letters Signs & Specialties spoke to the Board regarding the proposed signage for Fuccillo Mazda at 18822 US Route 11, Tax Map #91.09-1-6.2.
Conditional approval for this sign was revoked on April 5, 2021 as the updated plans did not address all of the requirements of the conditional approval. Discussion followed.

New plans will be submitted and include a detailed vegetation plan showing a minimum of four (4) shrubs to be planted at the corners of the base of the sign with perennials planted between the shrubs. A google earth map will also be submitted showing the exact placement of the sign.

Motion 36-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Vaas to grant conditional sign approval to Fuccillo Mazda, 18822 US Route 11, Tax Map #91.09-1-6.2 as shown on plans prepared by AGI, dated 2/26/19, Pages 5-10 which includes a small sign on the building and pylon sign in front, provided that an updated plan is submitted indicating at a minimum that four (4) shrubs be planted at the corners of the base of the sign with perennials planted between the shrubs, removal of the planter box, and a google earth map showing the exact placement of the proposed signage.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

A zoning permit will be needed.



JCIDA/Onondaga Development – Subdivision for New Construction of Entrance into the Jefferson County Industrial Park from Route 12F.

David Zembiec from JCIDA reviewed proposed plans to construct a right hand turn lane into the Jefferson County Industrial Park to help mitigate traffic congestion on Route 12F.

The JCIDA is purchasing property from Onondaga Development on Route 12F for this construction, once the turn lane is constructed, the JCIDA will transfer ownership to the NYS Department of Transportation. Discussion followed.

The board determined that this will be a subdivision that turns into a lot line adjustment once the land is transferred.

Motion 37-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Vaas to waive the public hearing requirement for the proposed subdivision/lot transfer between the JCIDA and Onondaga Development as it will eventually be transferred to the NYS Department of Transportation, it will have no impact on adjacent properties, and the sole purpose is to improve traffic flow with a right hand turn lane into the Jefferson County Industrial Park.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 38-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to waive any requirement of individual or public notification of the proposed subdivision/lot transfer between the JCIDA and Onondaga Development for the same reasons stated in
Motion 37-21.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 39-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Vaas to waive the application fee due to it being a governmental project.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 40-21: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to approve the subdivision of land from Onondaga Development to the JCIDA as shown on plans drawn by LaFave, White & McGivern with an original date of 12/20/20 and the latest revision date of 4/6/21, File #20200-12, Sheet 1 of 1, for the removal of .15 acres from Tax Map #82.08-1-3, conditional upon submission of a completed application, SEQR, and satisfactory review of lot descriptions.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Davidson Management Group – 21752 Gillette Road – Tax Map #90.12-1-6.6 – 5 Lot Subdivision.

Rob Busler, LaFave White & McGivern, on behalf of Davidson Management Group, present proposed plans for a 5 lot subdivision at 21752 Gillette Road, Tax Map #90.12-1-6.6 for marketable residential lots.

One of the requirements for subdivision of these lots would be to demonstrate availability of ground water either by drilling a well or obtaining water records from an adjacent property owners with an existing well . Discussion followed.


Motion 41-21: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to schedule a public hearing for a 5 lot subdivision for Davidson Management Group, 21752 Gillette Road, Tax Map #90.12-1-6.6 for Monday, June 7, 2021 at 3:00 p.m., conditional upon submission of a report on ground water availability.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 42-21: Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to adjourn the
meeting at 3:35 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Susan Burdick

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601