Home » Meeting Minutes » May 11, 2017

May 11, 2017

Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
May 11, 2017

Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
Stephen L. Rich, Councilman
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Timothy McAtee, Councilman

Members Absent: Paul V. Desormo, Councilman

Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 pm followed by the roll of the members present. Attorney Russell was also present.

MOTION #42-2017
Supervisor Bartlett moved to accept the minutes for April 13, 2017 meeting, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Ayes All
The floor was opened to the public:
Susan Richardson, 21558 Co Rte 60, asked about extending the water district to include her property. She had approached the board last fall concerning issue. There was question if she would have to take the line across the full frontage of her property. Supervisor Bartlett and the Board agreed she could hookup to her house from the property line, not to extend the line to the next property. She has been talking with the town engineer and asked what her next step would be. Supervisor Bartlett advised her to get her property information to the town attorney to begin the steps to modify the district boundaries. It would be her responsibility to bare all cost of the extension.
No one else wished to speak, the floor was closed.
The Town Clerk had no correspondence.
Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerk’s Report.

MOTION #43-2017

Supervisor Bartlett moved to accept the Jefferson County Stormwater Coalition Annual Report, and approve the Supervisor to execute the said document, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Ayes All
Supervisor Bartlett introduced Local Law #1 of 2017. A Local Law Establishing Regulations Prohibiting Illicit Discharges, Activities and Connections relative to compliance with the Jefferson County Stormwater Coalition MS4 mandatory regulation requirements.
MOTION #44-2017
Supervisor Bartlett offered a motion to schedule a special meeting Thursday May 25th, 2017 at 1:00 pm to hold a public hearing on Local Law #1 of 2017, seconded by Councilman McAtee.
Ayes All

Supervisor Bartlett informed the Board there was a link added to the Town of Watertown website to the Stormwater Annual report for public viewing, any questions or comment can be addressed there.
Supervisor Bartlett asked the Board to consider how the town should proceed with enforcement of the MS4 regulations. Should the town train employee’s to monitor these regulations or use the town engineers. Supervisor Bartlett will get a price from the engineers to compare.
MOTION #45-2017
Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.

Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 79 to 94 Total $ 21,134.67
Highway Vouchers # 60 to 71 Total $ 24,435.03
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 31 to 37 Total $ 143,410.62

Councilman Rich seconded the motion.
Ayes All
Old and New Business
Supervisor Bartlett asked about the status of the city water meter on US Rte 11. Highway Superintendent Rohr informed him he has not yet heard from the city regarding the replacement of the meter. Supervisor Bartlett is trying to contact the City Manager’s Office to negotiate lowering the estimated readings. Superintendent Rohr is monitoring the usage with the town’s water meter.
There was no other business.
Councilman Rich announced he was not going to run for election this year for another term. He has served on the Town Council for 40 years. Supervisor Bartlett offered his thanks for his dedication and service to the Town and added he will be missed.
MOTION #46-2017
Supervisor Bartlett moved to adjourn to executive session at 7:15 pm to discuss property acquisition, seconded by Councilman McAtee.
Ayes All
The meeting was reconvened at 8:45 pm.
MOTION #47-2017
Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Ayes All

Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601