Home » Meeting Minutes » March 2, 2020

March 2, 2020

Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
March 2, 2020

Members Present: Tom Boxberger, Co-Chair
Pam Desormo, Co-Chair
Jim Smith
Terry MacAdam

Members Excused: Randy Vaas

Mr. Boxberger called the regular meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 3:00 p.m.

Motion 16-20: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to schedule a workshop meeting with the Tug Hill Commission for Monday, March 9, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 17-20: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to accept the minutes of the February 3, 2020 meeting as written and distributed.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Boulder Ridge Development – Boulder Creek Road – Tax Map #91-13-1-38.1 – 5 Lot Subdivision.

Legal notice was posted in the newspaper.

The public hearing was opened at 3:03 p.m. No one from the public wished to speak. The public hearing was closed at 3:04 p.m.


The Detail Shop (Former Sears Garage) – 21182 Salmon Run Mall Loop West – Tax Map #82.11-1-50.21-701 – Update on previously approved signage.

No one was present.


MSP Realty – 22620 County Route 196 – Tax Map #73.20-1-10.52 – 2 Lot

Rick Gefell, on behalf of MSP Realty, submitted a completed application and updated plans for a lot line adjustment at 22620 County Route 196, Tax Map #73.20-1-10.52. Discussion followed.

All adjacent property owners need to be cited on the plans and the gravel road needs to be removed from the plans.


Motion 18-20: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to approve a lot line adjustment for MSP Realty 22620 County Route 196. This lot line adjustment removes 1.49 acres from Tax Map #73.20-1-10.52 and adds it to Tax Map #73.20-1-10.51 as shown on plans prepared by LaFave, White & McGivern, dated 2/25/20, File#2020M-03, Sheet 1 of 1, conditional upon receipt of an updated plan citing all adjacent property owners and removal of the gravel road, and satisfactory review of lot descriptions.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Widrick Auto Sales – 19079 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.05-1-63/Ames Brother – 19059 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.05-1-64 – Lot Line Adjustment.

Patsy Storino, on behalf of Widrick Auto Sales, presented proposed plans for a lot line adjustment. This proposed lot line adjustment was approved in 2006, however, it was never filed. Discussion followed.

Motion 19-20: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to approve a lot line adjustment for Charles & Frank Ames, Tax Map #91.05-1-64 removing .09 acre and adding it to James Widrick, LLC, Tax Map #91.05-1-63 as shown on plans drawn by Patsy Storino, dated 6/27/06, with a revision date of 2/14/20, Copyright date of 10/23/97, File #97-166-Watn., survey date of 10/15/97, Drawing #1, dated 2/10/20., conditional upon satisfactory review of lot description.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Boulder Ridge Development – Boulder Creek Road – Tax Map #91.13-1-38.1 – 5 Lot Subdivision.

RJ Roux submitted updated plans for a 5 lot subdivision for Boulder Ridge Development, Boulder Creek Road – Tax Map #91.13-1-38.1. Discussion followed.

Motion 20-20: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to grant a 5 lot subdivision for Boulder Ridge Development, located on Boulder Creek Road as shown on plans prepared by Bernier Carr & Associates, dated 2/27/20, File #2017-264, Sheet 1 which consists of Lot #1 being .97 acre, Lot #2 being .94 acre, Lot #3 being 1.00 acre, Lot #4 being .94 acre and the residual lot being 31.3 acres. All the lots meet town requirement and have public water and sewage, conditional upon satisfactory review of lot descriptions.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.



Washington Summit – CANI Building – 19472 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.05-1-11.1 – 1,200 square foot addition to existing building – Site Plan

Pat Scordo, GYMO, along with Holly Lundy & Bob Taylor from Washington Summit present proposed plans to add a 1,200 square foot addition to the CANI Building. Discussion followed.

Motion 21-20: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to waive site plan review for a 1,200 square foot addition to the CANI Building, 19472 US Route 11, Tax Map #91.05-1-11.1. This addition is located on the west side facing US Route 11 consisting of a single story building that will be a very insignificant addition of approximately 2-2.5% of the floor space of the existing structure as shown on plans prepared by GYMO, Page C101, Project #2018-083E, dated 5/30/19, with an issue date of 3/2/20. The elevations of the west side are shown on Drawing #A3-2, elevation of the north side are shown on Drawing A3-0, and elevation of the south side are shown on Drawing A3-1, all dated 2/21/20 and prepared by Alesia & Crewell Architects, conditional that a spec sheet be provided to the Town for any new lighting which must be Dark Sky Compliant.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

A zoning permit is also required.

Washington Summit – Dismantle Existing AAA Building at 19472 US Route 11 and Re-Assemble the Building in Lot #7 at 22708 Summit Drive at Washington Summit. Site Plan

Mr. Scordo presented proposed plans to dismantle the existing AAA Building located at 19472 US Route 11 and re-assemble it on 22708 Summit Drive, Lot #7 at Washington Summit. This building will match the existing buildings in Washington Summit. Discussion followed.

The following material needs to be submitted to the Board:

Authorization from the property owner, a color rendering of the elevations, Short Form SEQR, a vegetative, lighting, and parking plan. All adjacent property owners need to be cited on the plans. Additionally, an inset of the entire Tax Map showing the neighboring area was also requested.

Motion 22-20: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to schedule a public hearing for Washington Summit’s new construction on Lot #7 for Monday, April 6, 2020 at 3:00 p.m., conditional upon receipt of all required documents prior to the submission deadline of 3/18/20 for Jefferson County Department of Planning.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.



Sally Beauty – 21862 Towne Center Drive – Tax Map #82.00-1-3.3 – Sign Permit.

Mrs. Desormo presented proposed signage plans submitted by Sally Beauty, 21862 Towne Center Drive, Tax Map #82.00-1-3.3. The plans consist of replacing existing signage. An authorization from COR approving the replacement signage was also submitted. Discussion followed.

Motion 23-20: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Smith to approve signage for Sally’s Beauty, 21862 Towne Center Drive, Tax Map #82.00-1-3.3 as shown on plans prepared by Identiti, Project #200523, Pages S1-1 & S2-1.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

A zoning permit is also required.

Motion 24-20: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Susan Burdick

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601