Rescheduled Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
June 18, 2019
Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
Paul V. Desormo, Councilman
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Timothy McAtee, Councilman
Joanne McClusky, Councilwoman
Members Absent:
Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting with Pledge of Allegiance followed by roll call of members present at 7:00 pm. Attorney Russell was also present.
MOTION #42-2019
Supervisor Bartlett moved to adopt the minutes from the May 9, 2019 meeting, Councilman Prosser seconded.
Ayes All
The floor was opened for public comments. Tasha Johnston, 23025 Co Rte 67, addressed the Board. She asked the Board for direction concerning ongoing problems with a neighbor having in excess of 50 cats on their property. The cats are destroying her property and decks with cat feces and yearn. She has contacted many agencies for help, including the Town, County, State and Sheriff Department’s. She has been informed that there are no regulations for cat control. As long as the cats are not being misused and are feed they could not enforce any animal cruelty charges. She is concerned with diseases and rabies. Highway Superintendent Rohr added they are having the same problem with these cats getting into the equipment and barns.
Supervisor Bartlett informed that the town does not have any means to enforce cat control. He will however contract the Town’s Health Officer to check into the situation. The animals should all be vaccinated for rabies. No one else wished to speak; the floor was closed.
Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerk report.
MOTION #43-2019
WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of this Board held at the Town offices on the 14th day of March 2019, an Order of this Board was duly adopted and entered in the minutes of the proceedings reciting in general terms the filing of a map, plan, report and description with the Town Clerk of the Town of Watertown for the proposed extension of Water District No. 1 within the Town of Watertown, reciting the boundaries of the proposed District extension, reciting that the infrastructure to service the property within said District will be constructed and installed at no expense to the Town, and specifying that a public hearing shall be held to hear all persons interested in the proposed expansion of Water District No. 1 at 7 :00 p.m. on April 11, 2019, and
WHEREAS, a copy of the aforementioned Order of this Board was duly and regularly published in the official newspaper for the Town of Watertown and certified copies thereof were posted on the official sign board of the Town of Watertown as required by Article 12-A of the Town Law, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held pursuant to the aforesaid Order at the Town offices, 22867 County Route 67, Watertown, New York on April 11, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., and all persons interested in the proposed extension were provided an opportunity to be heard, and
WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of this Board held on April 11, 2019, this Board voted unanimously to adopt certain findings and determined to extend Water District No. 1 as shown on the map, plan and report on file in the Town Clerk’s Office, and
WHEREAS, within ten (10) days following the adoption of the aforesaid Resolution, the full text of the Resolution together with a notice setting forth the date of the adoption thereof and the fact that the resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum was published in the official newspaper of the Town of Watertown and posted as required by law, and
WHEREAS, more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the adoption of the Resolution, and no petition protesting against the Resolution has been properly submitted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Watertown, and the Town Clerk has caused to be filed pursuant to Section 209-e(4)(a) of the Town Law a certificate certifying that no petition was filed requesting a referendum, and
WHEREAS, the permission of the State Comptroller is not required pursuant to Section 209-f of the Town Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, upon a motion duly made, and seconded, this Board hereby makes the following Order:
1. ORDERED that the aforesaid recitations are incorporated herein as if fully set forth hereafter, and it is further
2. ORDERED that the extension of Water District No. 1 as described on Schedule “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof is finally established, and it is further
3. ORDERED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Watertown shall cause a certified copy of this final Order of the Town Board to be duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Jefferson, within ten (10) days after its adoption, and to file a certified copy thereof with the Department of Audit and Control within ten (10) days following its adoption.
A motion to adopt the foregoing Order was made by Supervisor Bartlett and seconded by Councilman Prosser and upon a roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:
Supervisor Joel Bartlett yes
Paul V. Desormo yes
David W. Prosser yes
Timothy L. McAtee yes
Joanne M. McClusky yes
ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land situate in the Town of Watertown, County of Jefferson, State of New York, and further described as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly highway limits of New York State Route 12Fand the westerly highway limits of County Route 202;
THENCE in a generally northwesterly direction along the northerly highway limits of New York State Route 12F to the most southerly corner of Tax Map Parcel 73.19-1-6;
THENCE in a generally northeasterly direction along the easterly property line of Tax Map Parcel 73.19-1-6 to the most easterly corner of Tax Map Parcel 73.19-1-6, said point being in the Town of Watertown Water District No. 1;
THENCE in a generally southeasterly direction along the northerly property line of Tax Map Parcel 73.19-1-7 to a point in the westerly highway limits of County Route 202, said point being in the Town of Watertown Water District No. 1 limits;
THENCE in a generally southwesterly direction along the westerly highway limits of County Route 202 limits to the point of beginning.
CONTAINING 0.74 acres of land more or less.
IT BEING the intent to add Tax Parcel Number 73.19-1-7 to the Town of Watertown Water District 1 utilizing Town of Watertown Tax Map 73.19, said Tax Map is on file at the Jefferson County Tax Mapping Department.
MOTION #44-2019
WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of this Board held at the Town offices on the 14th day of March 2019, an Order of this Board was duly adopted and entered in the minutes of the proceedings reciting in general terms the filing of a map, plan, report and description with the Town Clerk of the Town of Watertown for the proposed extension of Sewer District No. 3 within the Town of Watertown, reciting the boundaries of the proposed District extension, reciting that the infrastructure to service the property within said District will be constructed and installed at no expense to the Town, and specifying that a public hearing shall be held to hear all persons interested in the proposed expansion of Sewer District No. 3 at 7:00 p.m. on April 11, 2019, and
WHEREAS, a copy of the aforementioned Order of this Board was duly and regularly published in the official newspaper for the Town of Watertown and certified copies thereof were posted on the official sign board of the Town of Watertown as required by Article 12-A of the Town Law, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held pursuant to the aforesaid Order at the Town offices, 22867 County Route 67, Watertown, New York on April 11, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., and all persons interested in the proposed extension were provided an opportunity to be heard, and
WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of this Board held on April 11, 2019, this Board voted unanimously to adopt certain findings and determined to extend Sewer District No. 3 as shown on the map, plan and report on file in the Town Clerk’s Office, and
WHEREAS, within ten (10) days following the adoption of the aforesaid Resolution, the full text of the Resolution together with a notice setting forth the date of the adoption thereof and the fact that the resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum was published in the official newspaper of the Town of Watertown and posted as required by law, and
WHEREAS, more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the adoption of the Resolution, and no petition protesting against the Resolution has been properly submitted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Watertown, and the Town Clerk has caused to be filed pursuant to Section 209-e(4)(a) of the Town Law a certificate certifying that no petition was filed requesting a referendum, and
WHEREAS, the permission of the State Comptroller is not required pursuant to Section 209-f of the Town Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, upon a motion duly made, and seconded, this Board hereby makes the following Order:
4. ORDERED that the aforesaid recitations are incorporated herein as if fully set forth hereafter, and it is further
5. ORDERED that the extension of Sewer District No. 3 as described on Schedule “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof is finally established, and it is further
6. ORDERED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Watertown shall cause a certified copy of this final Order of the Town Board to be duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Jefferson, within ten (10) days after its adoption, and to file a certified copy thereof with the Department of Audit and Control within ten (10) days following its adoption.
A motion to adopt the foregoing Order was made by Supervisor Bartlett and seconded by Desormo and upon a roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:
Supervisor Joel Bartlett yes
Paul V. Desormo yes
David W. Prosser yes
Timothy L. McAtee yes
Joanne M. McClusky yes
ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land situate in the Town of Watertown, County of Jefferson, State of New York, and further described as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly highway limits of New York State Route 12Fand the westerly highway limits of County Route 202;
THENCE in a generally northwesterly direction along the northerly highway limits of New York State Route 12F to the most southerly corner of Tax Map Parcel 73.19-1-6;
THENCE in a generally northeasterly direction along the easterly property line of Tax Map Parcel 73.19-1-6 to the most easterly corner of Tax Map Parcel 73.19-1-6, said point being in the Town of Watertown Sewer District No. 3;
THENCE in a generally southeasterly direction along the northerly property line of Tax Map Parcel 73.19-1-7 to a point in the westerly highway limits of County Route 202, said point being in the Town of Watertown Sewer District No. 3 limits;
THENCE in a generally southwesterly direction along the westerly highway limits of County Route 202 limits to the point of beginning.
CONTAINING 0.74 acres of land more or less.
IT BEING the intent to add Tax Parcel Number 73.19-1-7 to the Town of Watertown Sewer District 3 utilizing Town of Watertown Tax Map 73.19, said Tax Map is on file at the Jefferson County Tax Mapping Department.
MOTION #44-2019
WHEREAS, the Town of Watertown Council worked as coordinator to create the 1000 Islands Regional Local Development Corporation a 501-C3 not for profit organization to establish ownership of certain property for the construction of a 200,000+ square foot Multi-purpose Event Center (MEC) to expand educational, cultural, sporting and tourism related revenues generated by the Facility; and
WHEREAS, the Town has budgeted in the 2019 fiscal year budget funds to provide seed money in the form of a reimbursable grant to the L.D.C. board for start up costs associated with the L.D.C.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Council herby grants the 1000 Island Regional Local Development Corporation a 501C-3 not for profit organization a reimbursable grant for the organizations start up obligations in the amount of $45,000.00.
A motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilmember McAtee.
Ayes All
MOTION #45-2019
Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.
Utilities paid prior to the meeting
General Vouchers # 116 to 118 Total $ 11,437.54
Highway Vouchers # 73 to 73 Total $ 19,939.58
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 42 to 42 Total $ 2,781.06
Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 119 to 135 Total $ 26,398.27
Highway Vouchers # 74 to 87 Total $ 5,529.96
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 43 to 45 Total $ 137,244.53
Councilman Prosser seconded the motion.
Ayes All
Old/New Business
Supervisor Bartlett updated the Board on the LDC progress. He will be scheduling meeting with the public soon to announce information about the proposed event center.
Included in the counsel packets:
Correspondence from Randy Vaas recusing himself from any action taken by the Planning Board concerning the Jefferson Agri Business Development Center project.
The corrective action plan for Sewer District 1 in the Lettiere Tract area, prepared by the Town Engineer.
Supervisor Bartlett asked the Board to consider using the developer’s engineers for the proposed Jefferson Agri Business Development Center. The Board agreed if the engineer would certify their findings meet all MS4 standards under the state regulations, they would agree to allow them to conduct the review. Attorney Russell will contact Pat Scordo, GYMO Engineering to confer about certification of the findings.
MOTION #46-2019
Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm, seconded by Councilman Desormo.
Ayes All
Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk