Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
January 11, 2018
Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
Paul V. Desormo, Councilman
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Timothy McAtee, Councilman
Members Absent: Joanne McClusky, Councilwoman
Councilman Desormo opened with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting at 7:00 PM and called for the roll of members present.
Attorney Russell was also present.
MOTION #1-2018
Supervisor Bartlett moved to accept the minutes for December 14, 2017 year end meeting. Councilman Prosser seconded.
Ayes All
Supervisor Bartlett opened the floor for anyone wishing to address the town board.
Paula Hurlbut, 24950 Co Rte 67, asked if they have heard anything from the Jefferson County Highway Department concerning reducing the speed limit on Co Rte 67. She has offered her driveway to the NYS Police to monitor traffic.
Supervisor Bartlett responded they have not heard back yet.
No one else wished to speak, the floor was closed.
There was no Town Clerk correspondence this month.
Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerk’s monthly report. The Town Ambulance Report will be available next month.
MOTION #2-2018
WHEREAS, the legal firm of Menter, Rudin and Trivilpiece has acted as Legal Counsel for the Town of Watertown and has submitted a letter of engagement to provide legal services for the Town of Watertown and act as General Counsel for the Town for the year 2018.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the legal firm of Menter, Rudin and Trivilpiece is hereby appointed as general counsel for the Town of Watertown for the fiscal year 2018.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Desormo.
Ayes All
MOTION #3-2018
WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint Bond Council for Debt Service matters and the Law firms of Menter, Rudin and Trivilpiece and Hrabchack & Gebo have submitted requests for such appointment.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the law firms of Menter, Rudin and Trivilpiece and Hrabchack & Gebo are hereby appointed to the position of Town Bond Council for the year 2018.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman McAtee.
Ayes All
MOTION #4-2018
WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish an official newspaper for the publication of Town legal notices and announcements for the fiscal year 2018;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Watertown Daily Times is hereby designated as the official newspaper for the Town to provide legal notices and announcements to the public.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Ayes All
MOTION #5-2018
WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish an annual schedule for all Town Council meetings to be held on a monthly bases.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that all regular monthly Town Council meetings will be held at 7:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month with the exception of the October 2018, which pursuant to General Municipal Law will be conducted on the 1st (first) Thursday of October 2018.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Desormo.
Ayes All
MOTION #6-2018
WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint an Engineering Firm to represent the Town on all matters requiring engineering services for the year 2018.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Engineering firm of Bernier Carr and Associates, 327 Mullin Street, Watertown N.Y. is hereby appointed Engineer for the Town of Watertown for the fiscal year 2018.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Ayes All
MOTION #7-2018
WHEREAS, it is necessary to designate depositories for the safekeeping and investment of Town funds for the year 2018.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Key Bank, Community Bank, Watertown Savings Bank and M & T Bank are hereby designated as depositories for of town funds for safekeeping and investment purposes for the year 2018.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
3 Ayes
Councilman McAtee Abstained
MOTION #8-2018
WHEREAS, it is necessary to designate a chairman for the Town of Watertown Planning Board and Co- Chairs Thomas Boxberger and Pamela Desormo have indicated their interest in re-appointment to another term of office as Co-Chairmen of the Town Planning Board.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Thomas Boxberger and Pamela Desormo are hereby appointed as Co-Chairmen of the Town of Watertown Planning Board for the Year 2018.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution and Councilman McAtee seconded.
Ayes All
MOTION #9-2018
WHEREAS, several water and sewer districts are interconnected and serviced by the same master meters from the City of Watertown; and
WHEREAS, from time to time it is necessary to transfer funds between the districts to balance appropriation and revenue accounts;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to transfer funds between said districts for accounting and recording purposes.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution and Councilman Prosser seconded.
Ayes All
Supervisor Bartlett informed the Board that Municipal Solutions is putting together a plan to rectify the cash flow problems between districts. The auditors have had concerns for years of the special districts handling of funds between districts. This will satisfy the NYS auditor’s requirements for this issue.
MOTION #10-2018
WHEREAS, all elected Town of Watertown employees and official are covered under a uniform Blanket Undertaking Bond as required by Section 25 of the Town Law; and
WHEREAS, there are certain instances in other areas of the State where town officials have not been covered under a Blanket Undertaking or Personal Undertaking Bond; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to attest to and affirm the Towns existing policy for taking the Oath of Office.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE that all town elected officials upon taking the Oath of Office having signed the official Blanket Undertaking for bonding purposes as required by NYS Public Officers Law Section 11(2); and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the form of the Official Undertaking shall be kept on file at the Town Clerks Office, and a certified copy of this resolution.
A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett and seconded by Councilmember Prosser, and upon a roll call vote was adopted as follows:
Supervisor: Joel Bartlett Yes X No ____
Councilman: Paul Desormo Yes X No ____
Councilman: David Prosser Yes X No ____
Councilman: Timothy McAtee Yes X No ____
Councilwomen: Joanne McClucky Absent
MOTION # 11-2018
WHEREAS, the current contract for bonding services between the Town of Watertown and Municipal Solutions Inc. expired on December 31, 2017; and,
WHEREAS, Municipal Solutions provides services relative to the Towns annual BAN Borrowings, Long Term Bond servicing, Compilation of the Towns annual Official Statement required for financing Municipal debt and general financial services that are required annually in addition to the Continuing Disclosure Contract which expires in September.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement between the Town and Municipal Solutions for services provided for the fiscal year 2018.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution and Councilman Desormo seconded.
Ayes All
MOTION #12-2018
WHEREAS, Assessor Roger Tibbetts has applied for the following corrections to the 2018 tax roll for real property identified as:
William Gillogly, 24694 Crane Lane, tax map #83.19-1-34.732. New owner is not entitled to former owners veterans exemption. Amount of original tax amount is $1,475.34, new tax amount $1,618.27.
Raymond Harvey c/o Camilla Moore, 17508 Co Rte 155, tax map #91.13-1-35. Owner deceased no longer entitled to veterans exemption. Amount of original tax amount is $795.50, new tax amount is $1,147.38.
BE IT RESOLVED that the town board hereby approves the correction of this tax bill and authorizes the Town Clerk to issue a corrected tax bill to the owner of said parcel.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution and Councilman Prosser seconded.
Ayes All
MOTION #13-2018
Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.
Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 1 to 22 Total $ 13,355.60
Highway Vouchers # 1 to 12 Total $ 18,639.71
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 1 to 8 Total $ 150,833.38
Councilman Prosser seconded the motion.
Ayes All
Old and new business before the Board:
Supervisor Bartlett included in the Board’s packet the report from Venue Strategies concerning future economic development in the town. The next stage is to put together design and engineering cost for the project. Supervisor Bartlett reminded the Board the project would be located on Town property it but would be owned and operated by a private entity. Applications for funding will need to be completed by the end of March.
Because of the recent retirement of Councilman Rich there is a need to appoint a new Deputy Town Supervisor in the case the acting Supervisor cannot fulfill his duties.
MOTION # 14-2018
WHEREAS, there is a need to fill the vacancy of Deputy Town Supervisor, and Councilman David Prosser has expressed an interest in filling the position.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Councilman David Prosser is hereby appointed as Deputy Town Supervisor for the Town of Watertown.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution and Councilman Desormo seconded.
Ayes All
MOTION #15-2018
Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM, seconded by Supervisor Bartlett.
Ayes All
Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk