Home » Meeting Minutes » February 20, 2020 Rescheduled Meeting

February 20, 2020 Rescheduled Meeting

Rescheduled Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
February 20, 2020

Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Timothy McAtee, Councilman
Joanne McClusky, Councilwoman

Members Absent: Paul V. Desormo, Councilman

Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting with a roll call of members present at 7:00 pm. Attorney Russell was also present.

MOTION #21-2020

Supervisor Bartlett moved to adopt the minutes from the January 9, 2020 Regular Meeting, Councilman Prosser seconded.

Ayes All

The floor was opened for public comments; no one wished to speak, the floor was closed.

Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerks report.


MOTION #22-2020

WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the Town Zoning Board of Appeals with the resignation of Eric Swartz effective January 1, 2020; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Robin A. Kiernan, 20549 Weaver Road, a town resident has requested appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill the remainder of Mr. Swartz term ending December 31, 2024; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Mrs. Robin A. Kiernan is hereby appointed to the Town of Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals.

Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman McAtee.

Ayes All

MOTION #23-2020

WHEREAS, the Town of Watertown Planning Board over the past months has undertaken a review of the Town Comprehensive Plan with the assistance of the Tug Hill Commission and has made several modification and revisions to the Comprehensive Plan Dated January 7, 2020: and

WHEREAS, following several public hearings on the proposed modifications, where the public was encouraged to offer comments and suggestions for consideration. The revised and updated Comprehensive Plan was presented to the Town of Watertown Council for consideration for adoption; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, following a review of the proposed modifications to the Comprehensive Plan dated January 7, 2020 and following a public hearing thereon dated January 9th, 2020, the Town Council of the Town of Watertown herby adopts the several revisions and clarification to the Town of Watertown Comprehensive Plan effective February 20, 2020.

A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett, second by Councilman Prosser, and upon a roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Supervisor: Joel Bartlett Yes
Councilman: Paul Desormo Absent
Councilman: David Prosser Yes
Councilman: Timothy McAtee Yes
Councilwoman: Joanne McClusky Yes

Supervisor Bartlett thanked the Planning Board and the Tug Hill Commission for all the work they put into preparing the plan.

MOTION #24-2020

Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.

Utilities paid prior to the meeting
General Vouchers # 16 to 19 Total $ 13,300.19
Highway Vouchers # 16 to 16 Total $ 20,870.60
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 7 to 7 Total $ 3,080.82

Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 20 to 44 Total $ 14,446.86
Highway Vouchers # 17 to 26 Total $ 6,917.89
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 8 to 17 Total $ 124,124.76

Councilmember McAtee seconded the motion.

Ayes All

The Board received a letter of complaint from a town employee, the Board adjoined the meeting to enter into executive session at 7:10 pm to discuss this personnel issues.

The meeting was reconvened at 7:40 pm.

Old/New Business

Supervisor Bartlett included in the Boards packet a letter he wrote to Mr. Theodore C. William, Senior Liaison, Policy & Readiness Department of the Army, dated February 6, 2020. This is a letter of support for the activation and stationing of the fourth Army Corps Headquarter at Fort Drum NY.

Highway Superintendent Rohr informed the Board of a water problem at the Relax Inn, 19325 US Rte 11. The owner has been complaining of a high water bill over the past few months. Mr. Rohr as well as Tim Wells the meter reader at the time, made many service calls to the establishment. The meter was spinning and water could be heard running through the meter. The owner was made aware of the problem and advised that it was his responsibility to hire someone to find the problem. In January 2020 the owner purchased a new meter, after it was installed the same circumstances happened. The meter was spinning as well as the sound of water was heard running through it. Mr. Rohr turned the water valve on and off a few times. There was a loud hammer sound, the meter stopped turning and the sound of water moving stopped. Mr. Rohr believes whatever was stuck on causing the leak was corrected at that time. The property owner now wants to be compensated for the high water charges because he believes the meter was defective. His old meter was installed in the town municipal building and has been working properly since then. Mr. Rohr believes this proves the meter was working properly and the water did pass through it, also evidenced by the sound of the running water.

After discussion and at the advice of Attorney Russell, the Board agreed the property owner would be responsible for the water use represented by the meter readings. A shut off notice will be sent with the next bill if payment is not made for the outstanding amount.

Supervisor Bartlett asked Attorney Russell how he was making out with the request from Salmon Run Mall for reimbursement of charges made for water and sewer services. The town was unaware that the meter being charged to the mall was also servicing and being paid by the Best Buy store. Mr. Russell will review the request. He believes it was the malls responsibility to make the town aware of this water arrangement at the time so the town could have adjusted the bill accordingly.

MOTION #25-2020

Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm, seconded by Councilman McAtee.
Ayes All

Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601