Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
December 3, 2018
Members Present: Tom Boxberger, Co-Chair
Pam Desormo, Co-Chair
Jim Smith
Terry MacAdam
Randy Vaas
Mr. Boxberger called the regular meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 7:00 p.m.
Motion 94-18: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to scheduled a special meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board with the Tug Hill Commission for Monday, January 7, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 95-18: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to accept the minutes of the November 5, 2018 meeting as written and distributed.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 96-18: Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mr. Smith to accept the minutes of the November 16, 2018 special meeting as written and distributed.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Richard Cean – Floral Drive – Tax Map #82.07-1-1.1 – 3 Lot Subdivision
Legal notice was posted in the newspaper and evidence that adjacent property owners were notified was provided.
The public hearing was opened at 7:02 p.m. No one from the public wished to speak. The public hearing was closed at 7:02 p.m.
NASCO – Green-2-Green – 18983 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.05-1-67.3 – Sign Permit.
Dawn Cisco, NASCO, on behalf of Green-2-Green, presented proposed signage for 18983 US Route 11 – Tax Map #81.05-1-67.3. The plans include a 2′ x 2′ wall sign and refacing the existing 4′ x 6′ sign. Discussion followed.
Motion 97-18: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to approve signage for Green-2-Green for property located at 18983 US Route 11, Tax Map #91.05-1-67.3. This approval is for a 2′ x 2′ wall sign and refacing the existing 4′ x 6′ sign as shown on plans prepared by NASCO, dated 12/3/18, conditional upon receipt of the application fee.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
A zoning permit is need.
NASCO – Watertown Wellness Center – 21017 NYS Route 12F – Tax Map #73.20-1-8.1 – Sign Permit.
Dawn Cisco, NASCO, on behalf of Watertown Wellness Center, presented proposed plans for signage at 21017 NYS Route 12F – Tax Map #73.20-1-8.1. The plans include refacing two existing free-standing monument signs and placing one 36″ x 5’4″ wall mounted sign on the building. Discussion followed.
Motion 98-18: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to approve signage for Watertown Wellness Center, 21017 NYS Route 12F, Tax Map #73.20-1-8.1 to reface two existing monument free standing signs, conditional upon a planter being added to the 2 pole sign and one 36″ x 5’4″ wall mounted sign as shown on plans prepared by NASCO, Page 1, 2 & 3, dated 12/3/18, conditional upon receipt of the application fee.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
A zoning permit is needed.
Richard Cean – Floral Drive (County Route 60) – Tax Map #82.07-1-1.1 – 3 Lot Subdivision.
Richard Cean submitted updated plans for a 3 lot subdivision on Floral Drive (County Route 60), Tax Map #82.07-4-1.1. Discussion followed.
Motion 99-18: Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to approve a 3 lot subdivision for Richard A. & Fran A. Cean, Floral Drive, Tax Map #82.07-1-1.1 as shown on plans prepared by William F. Dorr, Professional Land Surveyor, dated 1/31/2013, File #13-3 showing Lot E4 being 2.969 acres, Lot E5 being 3.462 acres, and Lot E6 being 2.731 acres, conditional upon satisfactory review of lot descriptions and the application fee.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Stephen & Ruth Sullivan – 16182 Hamp Road – Tax Map #101.00-1-15.6 – 2 Lot Subdivision.
Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan presented preliminary plans for a 2 lot subdivision at 16182 Hamp Road, Tax Map #101.00-1-15.6. Discussion followed.
The Sullivan’s need to have all adjacent property owners added to the plans. The plans also needs to show the entire residual property and the parcel they are subdividing.
Motion 100-18: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to scheduled a public hearing for a 2 lot subdivision for Stephen and Ruth Sullivan for property located at 16182 Hamp Road for Monday, January 7, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., conditional upon receipt of a completed application.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 101-18: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Smith to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Susan Burdick