Home » Meeting Minutes » August 3, 2021

August 3, 2021

Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
August 3, 2021

Members Present: Tom Boxberger, Co-Chair
Pam Desormo, Co-Chair
Terry MacAdam
Randy Vaas
Jim Smith

Mr. Boxberger called the rescheduled August meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 3:00 p.m.

Motion 58-21: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to accept the minutes of the July 12, 2021 meeting as written and distributed.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 59-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to reschedule the regular September meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. due to the Labor Day holiday.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Popeyes Chicken – 21050 NYS Route 3 – Tax Map #82.11-1-67.2 – Site Plan

Legal notice was posted in the newspaper.

The public hearing was opened at 3:03 p.m. No one from the public wished to speak. The public hearing was closed at 3:04 p.m.


Tnara Route 3, LLC – 20485 NYS Route 3 – Tax Map #82.11-1-36 – 2 Lot Subdivision

Mr. Bartlett messaged the Co-Chair of the Town of Watertown Planning Board today asking that the Board support this 2 lot subdivision (Attachment #1). Also entered into record is an email from the Town Attorney, Joe Russell, to Mrs. Desormo regarding this proposed subdivision. (Attachment #2).

Town Supervisor, Joel Bartlett, spoke to the Board regarding the importance to the Town and Jefferson County in granting the proposed 2 lot subdivision to Tnara Route 3, LLC based on using a “paper” road for road frontage. This “paper” road option has been discussed with the Town Attorney, Joe Russell, and will be discussed at the Town Board’s meeting on August 12.

Mr. Bartlett stated that the big picture is that Mr. Simao has agreed and reaffirmed that a 66 foot portion of the property will be dedicated to the Town for use as a connector road from Route 3, across Route 202 to Salmon Run Mall and Route 12F. This is something the Town and County have been trying to accomplish for 20 plus years.

The Town and Jefferson County will work together using federal and state funding to construct the road. The value of the land given to the Town exceeds the cost to construct the connection point to Route 3.


Mr. Bartlett thanked the Board for letting him speak and asked that the Planning Board give serious consideration to the approval of a 2 lot subdivision to Tnara Route 3, LLC based on the “paper” road being used for road frontage.

Rob Busler, LaFave, White & McGivern, on behalf of Tnara Route 3, LLC, presented updated applications and plans for a 2 lot subdivision showing the road frontage for the proposed subdivision on the “paper” road.

Mr. Busler stated the original plans required a variance of road frontage on NYS Route 3 and that the Town of Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals denied the variance request on August 2, 2021. Discussion followed.

Two subdivision applications and 1 lot line adjustment application need to be submitted.

Motion 60-21: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to schedule a public hearing for a 2 lot subdivision for Tnara Route 3, LLC, Tax Map #82.11-1-36 located at NYS Route 3 for Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. Lot #1 will be 2.14 acres and Lot #2 will be .96 acres.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 61-21: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to schedule a public hearing for a 2 lot subdivision for Tnara Route 3, LLC, Tax Map #82.11-1-35.223 located on NYS Route 3 for Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. One lot will be 1.6 acres and the second lot will be 2 acres.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

A lot line adjustment is also needed to meet the 66 road width needed between Tax Map #82.11-1-35.223 and Tax Map #82.11-1-36.


Chris Leigh – 25640 Slate Road – Tax Map #83.20-1-21.1 – Preliminary discussion concerning an in-home occupation to get a FFL license for internet sales.

Mr. Leigh discussed with the Board his plan to apply for a FFL (Federal Firearms License) for internet sales out of his home located at 25640 Slate Road. Mr. Leigh will provide firearm background checks and transfers upon approval. The FFL is needed for the transfer of firearms and the ATF requires compliance with local zoning laws regarding in-home occupation. This will be a home office. There will be no inventory on the premises. Mr. Leigh will transfer through an FFL from vendor to purchaser. He will have no signage and will not be advertising his services. Mr. Leigh’s plans were entered into record (Attachment #3). Discussion followed.

Motion 62-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to allow Chris Leigh to establish an in-home occupation for internet sales for the purpose of transfer of firearms located at 25640 Slate Road, Tax Map #83.20-1-21.1, with the condition and understanding that no inventory will be on the property, there will be no advertising, and no employees.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen – 21050 NYS Route 3 – Tax Map #82.11-1-67.2 – Site Plan – Sign Permit.

The Jefferson County Department of Planning review was entered into record (Attachment #4).

Brett Steenburgh, Engineer for the applicant, Liberty Management, presented updated plans for a Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen at the former Bob Evans Restaurant located at 21050 NYS Route 3, Tax Map #82.11-1-67.2.

A new design for the pole sign along Interstate 81 was submitted as well as plans for the monument sign on NYS Route 3. Discussion followed.

An application for FAA Form 7460 must be submitted prior to the construction process for modifying the sign located along I81 as noted in the Jefferson County Department of Planning Boards comments.

Motion 63-21: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to grant site plan approval to Popeyes Chicken located at 21050 NYS Route 3, Tax Map #82.11-1-67.2 as shown on plans prepared by Brett Steenburg, PE, LLC, dated 6/25/21, Sheet 1, 2 , 3, 4, & 5 as well as the sign package prepared by Loren Industries, dated 5/28/21 with a revision date of 7/29/21, Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, & 22 and lighting Plan SR-36013, conditional upon submission of updated plans showing the exact location of the monument sign out front and the FAA Form 7460 for the pole sign on I81.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Planet Fitness – 21182 Salmon Run Mall Loop West – Tax Map #82.11-1-50.21-701 – Sign Permit.

Ryan Kelley, Salmon Run Mall, on behalf of Planet Fitness, submitted proposed plans for signage for Planet Fitness. The proposed signage will include a wall-mounted exterior entrance sign and wall-mounted mall entrance sign. Planet Fitness will be located in part of the former Gander Mountain Store. Discussion followed.

Motion 64-21: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Vaas to grant sign approval for Planet Fitness at 21182 Salmon Run Mall Loop West, Tax Map #82.11-1-50.21-701 as shown on plans signed by Ryan Kelley, dated 8/3/21, Page 1 & 2.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

A zoning permit will be required.

Morgan Route 202 East, LLC – Tax Map #82.11-1-35.221 – Site Plan for a 357 Unit Apartment Complex.

Mark Costich, Costich Engineering, on behalf of Morgan Route 202 East, LLC, presented proposed plans for a 357 unit apartment complex on County Route 202, Tax Map #82.11-1-35.221. The proposed plans are the same plans submitted in 2014.

This proposed complex will be built in two phases. The first phase will include 214 units and the second phase will include 143 units.

A three lot subdivision was granted and filed in 2014. A variance was also granted in 2014 for financing purposes.

A sidewalk plan is shown in the proposed plans. The Jefferson County Highway Department needs to be contact regarding highway cuts. The County may be contacted regarding a possible change to the speed limit near this proposed complex. Discussion followed.

The following need to be submitted:

$ An updated SWPPP due to the new MS4 regulations.

$ Long Form SEQRA

$ A new site plan application and special use application with appropriate fees.

$ Sign details for the monument sign citing size, exact placement, and vegetative plantings at the base.

$ An updated letter of approval from the City of Watertown regarding water and sewer usage.

$ All approvals from 2014 from DEC, Department of Health, etc.

$ Updated plans also need to include dark sky compliant lighting and vegetative plantings on County Route 202 and along the proposed road.

Motion 65-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to schedule a public hearing for site plan and special use for a 357 unit apartment complex for Morgan Route 202 East, LLC, Tax Map #82.11-1-35.221 for Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Mr. Costich will submit 2 large sets and 5 small sets.

This matter will be referred to the Jefferson County Department Planning for review.


TI AG Park, LLC – NYS Route 3 – Tax Map #82.00-1-1.5 – Modifications to Lot #8

Mr. Lundy met informally with Mr. Boxberger and Mrs. Desormo as he was unable to attend this meeting due to a conflict with the City of Watertown Planning Board meeting.

The Board reviewed proposed modifications to Lot #8 located in the TI AG Park on NYS Route 3, Tax Map #82.00-1-1.5 which was previously approved on July 6, 2020 – Motion 47-20.

The original plan was for the construction of a 19,520 square foot warehouse & chicken hatchery processing facility. The new proposed plans are for a 19,520 square foot warehouse with slight modifications to the previously approved plans. Discussion followed.


Motion 66-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to scheduled a public hearing for site plan for TI AG Park, LLC, Lot #8, NYS Route 3, Tax Map #82.00-1-1.5 for Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 67-21: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Smith to adjourn the
meeting at 4:30 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Susan Burdick

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601