Home » Meeting Minutes » April 5, 2021

April 5, 2021

Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
April 5, 2021

Members Present: Tom Boxberger, Co-Chair
Pam Desormo, Co-Chair
Terry MacAdam
Jim Smith
Randy Vaas

Mr. Boxberger called the regular April meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 3:00 p.m.

Motion 24-21: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Smith to accept the minutes of the March 1, 2021 meeting as written and distributed.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Motion 25-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to schedule a workshop meeting on Monday, May 1, 2021 with the Tug Hill Commission immediately following the regular Planning Board meeting to discuss zoning amendments.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Lebaudy Law Office, P.C. – 20991 US Route 3 (Casty Properties Plaza) – Tax Map #82.11-1-53 – Sign Permit

No one was present.


Mirmal Aujla – County Route 62 – Tax Map #90.18-1-27.2/19784 Cady Road – Tax Map #90.18-1-28 – Avichal Corp.

Tom Storino, Storino Geomatics, on behalf of Nirmal Aujla, presented proposed plans for a lot line adjustment at County Route 62, Tax Map #90.18-1-27.2 and 19784 Cady Road, Tax Map #90.18-1-28. Lot descriptions have been submitted. Discussion followed.

Motion 26-21: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to approve a lot line adjustment for Avichal Corp. Lot #1 will be 3 acres located at 19784 Cady Road, Tax Map #90.18-1-28 and is owned by Nirmal Aujla. Lot #2 will be 7.24 acres located at County Route 62, Tax Map #90.18-1-27.2 as shown on plans prepared by Storino Geomatics, signed by Adam Storino, Drawing #V101, dated 3/29/21, File #2021-011, conditional upon satisfactory review of lot descriptions.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Mike Romeo – 24353 Gotham Street – Tax Map #83.18-1-7 & 24415 Gotham Street – Tax Map #83.18-1-6 – Lot Line Adjustment.

The Board reviewed a previously approved lot line adjustment from 11/2/20 that was never filed as the lot descriptions were not submitted and approved. Mr. MacAdam has now reviewed and approved the lot descriptions. Discussion followed.


Motion 27-21: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to approve a lot line adjustment for Mike Romeo, 22353 and 24415 Gotham Street as both properties are owned by Mr. Romeo. This lot line adjustment will remove 2.91 acres from Lot A (24415 Gotham Street – Tax Map #83.18-1-6) and add it to Lot B (24353 Gotham Street – Tax Map #83.18-1-7) making it 4.246 acres as shown on plans prepared by Twin Tiers Land Surveying, signed by Nathan Romeo, dated 9/10/21 with a revision date of 10/18/20, Job #20457.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Snides Towing/Plowing/Landscaping – (Former Stroberts) 24805 US Route 126 – Tax Map #83.15-1-34.1 – Site Plan

No one was present. Discussion followed.

Motion 28-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith that upon submission of site plan, if there are no physical changes to the property other than maintenance of the existing building, Mrs. Desormo is authorized to sign any necessary paperwork to waive site plan review.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

If any signage is needed, it will have to come before the Board for review.

Lamar Sign – I-81 – Tax Map #90.07-1-29.1-301 – (Re-approval of Digital Sign Previously Approved 1/6/20).

Lamar Sign appeared before the Board on January 6, 2020 and received conditional approval upon submission of a letter from the Department of Transportation with written approval prior to a zoning permit being issued.

Mrs. Desormo stated that she now has the letter. After review of the sign permit regulations, she discovered that there is not an expiration date on sign approvals. The Board was polled and authorized Mrs. Desormo to sign the approval with today’s date for clarification purposes.

Mr. Boxberger – Yes
Mrs. Desormo – Yes
Mr. MacAdam – Yes
Mr. Smith – Yes
Mr. Vaas – Yes

Fuccillo Mazda – 18822 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.09-1-6.2 – Sign Permit

Mrs. Desormo received an email from Fuccillo Mazda – 18822 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.09-1-6.2 with updated plans to address the conditional approval granted at the March 1, 2021 meeting, Motion 22-21.


The Board agreed that the updated plans do not address all of the requirements of the conditional approval.

Motion 29-21: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr Vaas to revoke the conditional approval from Motion 22-21 at the March 1, 2021 meeting for Fuccillo Mazda as they have not submitted an acceptable detailed decorative/landscape plan for the base of the sign as required.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

The Board will be meeting with the Tug Hill Commission after the next regular Planning Board meeting in May. If anyone has of any amendments they would like addressed, please email Mrs. Desormo.
Motion 30-21: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Smith to adjourn the
meeting at 3:25 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Susan Burdick

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601