Home » Meeting Minutes » April 2, 2018

April 2, 2018

Regular Meeting

Town of Watertown Planning Board

April 2, 2018


Members Present:     Tom Boxberger, Co-Chair

Pam Desormo

Terry MacAdam

Jim Smith

Randy Vaas


Mr. Boxberger called the regular meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 7:00 p.m.


Mr. Boxberger stated that two changes are being made to the agenda.  Mr. Lundy has withdrawn the preliminary review for site plan on Lot #10 in the Jefferson County Industrial Park and Maryann Boxberger has been added for a lot line adjustment at 22941 Fralick Road.


Motion 19-18:            Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to accept the minutes of the March 5, 2018 meeting as written and distributed.


Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Motion 20-18:            Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to schedule a special meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board for 3:00 p.m. on May 7, 2018 regarding the MS4 regulations.


Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Motion 21-18:            Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to scheduled a special meeting with the Tug Hill Commission for 4:00 p.m. on May 7, 2018.


Ayes All: Motion Carried.




AT & T – 22867 County Route 67 – Modification to antennas on water tower.


Legal notice was posted in the newspaper.


The public hearing was opened at 7:04 p.m.


Mr. Boxberger entered into record the review from the Jefferson County Department of Planning dated 3/28/18 (Attachment #1).


No one from the public wished to speak.  The public hearing was closed at 7:05 p.m.




FX Caprara Chrysler Dodge Ram Jeep – 18476 US Route 11 – Tax Map #90.12-1-21 – Addition of a 3,625 square foot shop and service area.


Legal notice was posted in the newspaper.


The public hearing was opened at 7:05 p.m.


Mr. Boxberger entered into record the review from the Jefferson County Department of Planning dated 3/28/18 (Attachment #2).


No one from the public wished to speak.  The public hearing was closed at 7:06 p.m.






FX Caprara Volkswagen – 18493 US Route 11 – Tax Map #90.12-1-20.1 – Addition of a 2,970 square foot service bay.


Legal notice was posted in the newspaper.


The public hearing was opened at 7:06 p.m.


Mr. Boxberger entered into record the review from the Jefferson County Department of Planning dated 3/28/28 (Attachment #3).


No one from the public wished to speak.  The public hearing was closed at 7:07 p.m.




Fuccillo Imports – 18352 US Route 11 – Sign Permit


Dawn Cisco from NASCO Signs submitted proposed plans for new signage for Fuccillo Imports, 18352 US Route 11.  Setbacks and landscaping need to be cited on the map.  Discussion followed.


Motion 22-18:            Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Boxberger to approve two free-standing signs for Fuccillo Imports, 18352 US Route 11.  The first sign is a free-standing pylon sign for Hyundai as shown on plan drawn by AGI dated 4/13/17, conditional upon updated plans showing all setbacks.   The sign is 17′ 11 1/4″ x 9′ 7 1/8″ and 32 square feet.  The second sign is for Subaru drawn by Philadelphia Signs, dated 2/14/18, Drawing #B77326.  The sign will be 20′ x 11′ 1″, conditional on plans citing a decorative base with landscaping and meeting all setback requirements.  This also includes new signs across the front of the building distinguishing the different dealerships as shown on plans drawn by AGI dated 4/13/17 and the plot plan titled Hyundai GDS, drawn by AGI dated 4/13/17 which needs all setbacks cited on the plans, conditional upon submission of the application fee.


Ayes All: Motion Carried.




AT & T – Modification to antennas on water tower located at 22867 County Route 67.


Brenda West, Centerline Communications, on behalf of AT & T submitted the application fee.  There are no changes to the plans.  Discussion followed.


Motion 23-18:            Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to approve a special use permit for Watertown South AT & T Upstate NY located at 22867 County Route 67 in the Town of Watertown as shown on plans prepared by C & S Companies dated September 2017, Project # N25.001.002, Pages C-201, C-501, C-502, G-001.


Ayes All: Motion Carried.


A zoning permit is needed.









FX Caprara Chrysler Dodge Ram Jeep – 18479 US Route 11 – Tax Map #90.12-1-21 – Addition of a 3,625 square foot shop and service area – Site Plan.


Mike Lasell, MBL Engineering, submitted updated plans showing landscaping, utilities, including water and sewer, and green space and parking area dimensions.  Mr. Lasell also stated that the new owners are aware of the issue where the car port was built over some water lines.  Mr. Lasell also stated the new MS-4 Regulations do not apply because local law states it only applies if it is greater than 1 acre as he is not disturbing more than 1 acre.  Discussion followed.


Motion 24-18:            Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to grant site plan approval for FX Caprara Chrysler Dodge Ram Jeep, 18479 US Route 11, Tax Map #90.12-1-21 for a 3,625 square foot shop and service area as shown on plans prepared by Aubertine & Currier, Project #2016-187, Issue date 4/28/17 & 6/12/17, Sheet C-001, C-002, C-003, C-004, A-200, G-100.


Ayes All: Motion Carried.


FX Caprara Volkswagen – 18493 US Route 11 – Tax Map #90.12-1-20.1 – Additional of a 2,970 square foot service bay – Site Plan


Mike Lasell, MBL Engineering, submitted updated plans for FX Caprara Volkswagen, 18493 US Route 11 – Tax Map #90.12-1-20.1.  A letter from Prime Automotive Group, dated 3/30/18 was entered into record regarding the cross easement agreement (Attachment #4).  Discussion followed.  A new color rendering of the building needs to be submitted.


Motion 25-18:            Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Smith to grant site plan approval  for FX Caprara Volkswagen, 18493 US Route 11, Tax Map #90.12-1-20.1 for the addition of  2,970 square foot service bay as shown on plans prepared by Aubertine & Currier dated of 2/26/18, Project #2010-110.001, Sheet A-100, A-200, C-001, C-002, and C-003, and the cross easement agreement as stated in a letter dated 3/30/18 signed by Frank Mastrovito, Market Chief Operating Officer of Prime Automotive Group, conditional upon submission of a color rendering of the building consistent with the existing building.


Ayes All: Motion Carried.




Maryann Boxberger – 22941 Fralick Road, Tax Map #91.17-1-1 & Tax Map #91.17-1-3 – Lot line adjustment.


Tom Boxberger presented preliminary plans for a lot line adjustment at 22941 Fralick Road, Tax Map #’s 91.17-1-1 & -91.17-1-3.  One parcel is approximately 10 acres with 300 feet of road frontage and the other is approximately 25 acres with 50 feet of road frontage.  After a survey has been completed, they wish to do a lot line adjustment adding road frontage to the 25 acre parcel.  Discussion followed.


Mr. Boxberger will come back after the survey has been completed.






Mr. Boxberger opened the floor to anyone wishing to speak.


Brian T. Sinsabaugh, Esq. Curtin Law, stated that he was attending the meeting to voice an opposition to the Lundy project in the Jefferson County Corporate Park regarding First Student Bus Garage.  Mr. Boxberger stated that site plan approval was granted on January 2, 2018 for Lundy Development on Lot #2B in the Jefferson County Industrial Park for First Student Bus Garage.


Attorney Sinsabaugh asked what the new proposed project on tonight’s agenda for Lundy Development & Property Management was.  Mr. Boxberger stated that the preliminary review for a spec building on Lot #10 in the Jefferson County Corporate Park was withdrawn by Mr. Lundy.  He stated that it is an entirely new project.  Mr. Lundy will come back to the board when he has all the paperwork completed.


Motion 26-18:           Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Smith to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m.


Ayes All: Motion Carried.



Susan Burdick









Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601