Rescheduled Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
April 16, 2020
Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
Paul V. Desormo, Councilman
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Timothy McAtee, Councilman
Members Absent: Joanne McClusky, Councilwoman
Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting with a roll call of members present at 7:00 pm. Attorney Russell was also present. Supervisor Bartlett offered a moment of silence in memory of the former Chair of the Jefferson County Legislators Carolyn Fitzpatrick.
MOTION #33-2020
Supervisor Bartlett moved to adopt the minutes from the March 12, 2020 Meeting, Councilman McAtee seconded.
Ayes All
The public hearing concerning water and sewer rate increases was opened at 7:04 pm; no one wished to speak. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:05 pm.
Supervisor Bartlett introduced Local Law 1 of 2020. A Local Law to make revisions and amendments to Chapter 86 of the Town Code (signs).
The floor was opened for public comments; no one wished to speak, the floor was closed.
Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerks report.
MOTION #34-2020
WHEREAS, under town water and sewer district ordinances, the Town Council acting as administrators of all water and sewer districts may increase costs of water and sewer service to all users within each district; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase water and sewer rates to certain residential users with specific water and sewer treatment service as follows:
WATER DISTRICT #1 $4.50 $5.00 with 3 unit minimum to$15.00
WATER DISTRICT #4 $4.50 $5.00 with 3 unit minimum to$15.00
SEWER DISTRICT #1,2,3,4,5 $4.50 unit with all minimum usage
fees increased to $4.50 unit
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED following a Public Hearing conducted on the proposed water and sewer rate increases conducted on April 16th, 2020 at 7:00 pm wherein all interested persons were heard on the proposed water and sewer rate increases. The Town of Watertown Council, acting as administrators for all water and sewer districts, hereby approves the increases; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to issue billings to all noted district users at the new rates specified within this resolution.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Ayes All
MOTION #35-2020
WHEREAS, Local Law No. 1 of 2020, a Local Law to amend the Town of Watertown Code (sign ordinances) was duly introduced by a member of this council at the April 16th, 2020 Town Council meeting; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to conduct a Public Hearing on the proposed amendments and revisions to Chapter 86 (signs) of the Code of the Town of Watertown.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Clerk is hereby authorized to cause to be published in the official newspaper a notice of a Public Hearing on said amendments and revisions to Chapter 86 of the Town Code; and
BE IT FUREHER RESOLVED, a Public Hearing is hereby scheduled for 3:00 pm, Thursday, May 7, 2020 where in all interested persons will be heard on the matter of said amendments and revisions to Chapter 86 of the Town Code (signs).
A motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilmember Prosser.
Ayes All
MOTION #36-2020
WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the 2020 fiscal year budget to balance accounts for unexpected expenditures.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is authorized to amend the 2020 fiscal year budget as follows:
Revenue code insurance recovery
A-2680 $9,640.00
Appropriation code A-5182.4 $9,640.00
DECREASE CONTG. Acct A-1990.4 $1,451.00
A-1920.4 $775.00
A-8020.4 102.00
A-9040.8 574.00
Total 1,451.00
A motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilmember Prosser.
Ayes All
MOTION #37-2020
WHEREAS, during the Covid-19 pandemic it has become difficult for water and sewer users in the town to make timely payments for water and sewer service resulting in an increase in late payments for water and sewer service; and
WHEREAS, under current quarantine conditions travel has been extremely limited adding to the difficulty in timely payment for said services,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, all interest and penalty fees for all town water and sewer districts are hereby eliminated for the current and next 2 billing cycles.
BE IT FUREHER RESOLVED, all penalty and late fees associated with the Covid-19 virus will be re-instated once the travel and quarantine restrictions have been lifted.
A motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilmember McAtee.
Ayes All
MOTION #38-2020
Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.
Utilities paid prior to the meeting
General Vouchers # 65 to 67 Total $ 12,183.61
Highway Vouchers # 38 to 38 Total $ 16,214.68
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 24 to 24 Total $ 2,252.45
Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 68 to 82 Total $ 9,803.68
Highway Vouchers # 39 to 47 Total $ 4,074.45
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 25 to 29 Total $ 134,168.59
Councilmember Desormo seconded the motion.
Ayes All
Old/New Business
Supervisor Bartlett offered detailed reports of the annual town bonding renewals.
The Board and Highway Superintendent Rohr discussed a plan to bring the highway workers back to work in a safe manner. The staff has been sent home for safety reasons in lieu of the Covid-19 outbreak. Mr. Rohr will bring them back in shifts requiring face masks and gloves to be worn.
Councilman Desormo asked about the status of the cat situation at the Oberton property on Co. Rte. 67. Attorney Russell advised that at this point the cats are being housed inside so there is no health hazard to the general public. The order of violation is however still open on the books. If a report is made that the nuisance has reoccurred, the Board could order the capture and utilization of the animals.
Supervisor Bartlett updated to Board on the status of the infrastructure upgrades and expansion to the Ag Park project off NYS Rte 3. He is working with engineers to expand water & sewer services to this area.
Discussion took place concerning the solar project on the Robbins farm located in the towns of Watertown and Hounsfield. There are two projects being presented at this time. A large scale project that will be reviewed and approved at the state level, and a smaller community project that will be approved at the local level.
MOTION #39-2020
Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 pm, seconded by Supervisor Bartlett.
Ayes All
Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk