Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
July 12, 2023
Members Present: Tom Boxberger, Co-Chair
Pam Desormo, Co-Chair
Jim Smith
Randy Vaas
Members Excused: Terry MacAdam
Jean Waterbury, Alternate
Mr. Boxberger called the regular July meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 3:00 p.m.
Motion 50-23: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Vaas to accept the minutes of the June 5, 2023 meeting as written and distributed.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Jacob & Katherine Johnson – 15367 County Route 68 – Tax Map #101.00-1-3.4 –
2 Lot Subdivision
Evidence was provided that legal notice was posted in the newspaper and that adjacent property owners were notified.
The public hearing was opened at 3:02 p.m.
A neighbor asked where the property would be subdivided. The neighbor was allowed to look at the plans.
The public hearing was closed at 3:03 p.m.
GYMO Architecture Engineering & Land – 18969 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.05-1-67.5 – Sign Permit.
Corinne Bernd and Pat Scordo, GYMO, presented proposed signage for GYMO at 18969 US Route 11, Tax Map #91.05-1-67.5. They are replacing the existing monument sign. Landscaping will be at the base.
Motion 51-23: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Smith to grant sign approval to GYMO, 18969 US Route 11, Tax Map #91.05-1-67.5 as shown on plans prepared by GYMO, Drawing No. C101 & C501, dated 7/10/23, conditional that a landscaped base be provided comparable to the existing sign.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
A zoning permit will be needed.
Jacob & Katherine Johnson – 15367 County Route 68 – Tax Map #101.00-1-3.4 –
2 Lot Subdivision
Anthony Felder, Indian River Lakes Engineering, on behalf of Jacob & Katherine Johnson, presented a completed application and proposed plans for a 2 lot subdivision at 15367 County Route 68, Tax Map #101.00-1-3.4. The proposed plans meet all zoning requirements.
Motion 52-23: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Smith to grant a 2 lot subdivision to Jacob & Katherine Johnson, 15367 County Route 68, Tax Map #101.00-1-3.4. Lot 1 contains 2.58 acres and Lot #2 will contain 2.75 acres as shown on plans prepared by Lafave White and McGivern, dated 6/22/23, File #2023J-03, Sheet 1 of 1, conditional upon satisfactory review of lot descriptions.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
A zoning permit will be needed.
Gary Smith – 25640 Slate Road – Tax Map #83.20-1-21 – 2 Lot Subdivision.
Michael Battista, on behalf of Gary Smith, presented a completed application and proposed plans for a 2 lot subdivision at 25640 Slate Road, Tax Map #83.20-1-21. All adjacent property owners names need to be listed on the plans. Discussion followed.
Motion 53-23: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Vaas to schedule a public hearing for a 2 lot subdivision for Gary Smith, 25640 Slate Road, Tax Map #83.20-1-21 for Monday, August 7, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Nytric Electrical Contractors, LLC – 21171 NYS Route 12F – (Former UPS) – Tax Map #73.20-1-5 – Site Plan.
Scott Weston, Plans by Design, on behalf of Nytric Electrical Contractors, LLC, submitted a site plan application and sign permit for property located at 21171 NYS Route 12F. This building will be used to store electrical gear. The sign will be a
48″ x 96″. It will not be lighted and will be fixed to the front of the building facing Route 12F. Discussion followed.
No action needs to be taken on site plan as there are no structural changes to the building.
Motion 54-23: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Vaas to grant sign approval for Nytric Electrical Contractors, LLC, 21171 NYS Route 12F, Tax Map #73.20-1-5 as shown on plans prepared by Plans by Design, dated 7/10/23, Sheet No. C-100. The sign will be 48″ x 96″. It will not be lighted and will be fixed to the front of the building facing Route 12F.
Ayes All; motion Carried.
A zoning permit will be needed.
AT & T – Cell Tower Upgrades on Water Tower – 22869 County Route 67 – Tax Map #91.05-1-55.1 – Special Use & Site Plan
Brenda Blask-Lewis, on behalf of AT & T, submitted a completed application for site plan/special use to upgrade the cell tower equipment on the water tower located at 22869 County Route 67, Tax Map #91.05-1-55.1. This upgrade is a simple modification to the existing equipment involving replacing the old antennas with new ones and reinforcing the existing mounts. The frequency will remain the same. Discussion followed.
The application needs to be signed and the fee needs to be submitted along with a SEAF. A zoning permit will also be needed.
Motion 55-23: Motion By Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mr. Smith to schedule a public hearing for AT & T for special use and site plan for upgrades to the cell tower equipment on the water tower located at 22869 County Route 67, Tax Map #91.05-1-55.1 on Monday, August 7, 2023 at 3:00 p.m., conditional upon receipt of a sign application with the appropriate fees and a SEAF.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Morgan Route 202 East, LLC – Tax Map #82.11-1.35.221/82.11-1-35.224 – Update to Previously Approved Apartment Complex from 2021 – Site Plan.
Michael Montalto, Costich Engineering, on behalf of Morgan Route 202 East, LLC, approached the Board for an informal discussion of a variation of the previously approved apartment complex from 2021.
Morgan Route 202 East, wants to change from 5-7 unit townhouses to 10 unit townhouses which will include economies and efficiencies. The changes involve a reduction from the previously approved 55 buildings with 357 units to 43 buildings and an increased yield of 430 units. The changes are based on changes to the market regarding construction costs and interest rates.
Mr. Montalto stated that it has been a couple years since the original approval, and they wanted to touch base to see what the Board’s thoughts are regarding the increased density of the units as well as if there are any issues with the sanitary sewer system status in the area before they spend the time and energy re-engineering the final plans.
Mike Alteri, Bernier Carr and Associates, was present at the meeting on behalf of the Town. Mr. Alteri asked if Morgan Route 202 has a time line for construction as the sanitary sewer system will need to be upgraded at some point and the upgrades need to be budgeted. Other projects are in the works in the same area. Over the next two to three years, the Town will have look at proposed construction schedules as a whole to estimate when the sanitary sewer system may reach its threshold. Discussion followed.
Morgan is still tweaking their plans but basically their intent still includes a 3 lot subdivision, lot line adjustment, a road dedicated to the Town, possible variances, etc. They are comfortable with what they have now. It is a viable plan. They are looking at coming back possibly in August with a completed submission to request a public hearing at the September meeting. More than likely, construction will be done in phases.
Mr. Boxberger suggested that when they come back, they submit a breakdown of 1, 2, & 3 bedroom units in the plans.
Washington Summit Associates – Lot #4D – Spec Building – Site Plan
Mike Lundy submitted a completed application, SEQR, and proposed plans for a spec building on Lot #4D in Washington Summit. The building will be 60′ x 66′ (4,000 sf). The color rendering needs to be submitted. All utilities are already on site. There is an easement on both the front and back parking lots. Discussion followed.
Mr. Lundy will come back to the August meeting with more information.
Washington Summit Associates, LLC – Lot 9 – 22567 Summit Drive – 3 Lot Subdivision & Site Plan.
Mr. Lundy and Jared Dickinson, submitted a completed application for subdivision and site plan, a SEQR, lot descriptions, and proposed plans for a 3 lot subdivision and site plan on Lot #9 in Washington Summit.
Mr. Lundy has a tenant ready to build on one of the proposed lots. There is an access easement. The tenant is working with GYMO on the plans. The building will look very similar to the Pediatric Associate building next door. Discussion followed.
All adjacent property owners need to be listed on the plans.
Motion 56-23: Motion Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith to schedule a public hearing for Washington Summit Associates, LLC, 22567 Summit Drive, for a 3 lot subdivision of Lot #9 on Monday, August 7, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 57-23: Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mr. Smith to schedule a public hearing for Washington Summit Associates, LLC, 22567 Summit Drive for site plan approval for a 6,000 square foot medical building on proposed Lot #9A on Monday, August 7, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Wally Mitsubishi Motors – 18822 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.09-1-6.2 – Sign Permit.
Mrs. Desormo presented proposed signage submitted via email by the company installing the sign. This is the 2nd submission of information via email.
The Board did not take any action for a second time. Based upon the visuals that have been provided, the sign does not appear to meet the intent of the sign ordinance.
The Board requested that the representative from the sign company appear in person.
Avichal Corporation – 19784 Cady Road – Tax Map #90.18-1-28 – Site Plan/Sign Permit
Mr. Boxberger report that Tom Ross, Storino Geomatics, on behalf of Avichal Corporation, checked with building requirements and that one (1) restroom meets the building codes.
Mr. Ross also has submitted documentation regarding the sewage treatment which shows the system on site is adequate. Full site plan approval has been granted. Avichal also has to meets the New York State Department of Health requirements.
Mrs. Desormo presented proposed signage. There will be a free standing sign 17′ high with a stone base. It will be 15′ off the road on County Route 62 and meets setback requirements. They will also have signage on the canopies. Discussion followed.
Motion 58-23: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Smith to grant sign approval for Avichal Corporation, 19784 Cady Road, Tax Map #90.18-1-28. The canopy signs are as shown on 4 pages of plans dated 7/12/23 and the free-standing sign is shown on plan SUMI.0110, dated 3/30/21 showing the dimension of the sign, C101 drawn by Storino Geomatics showing the setback of the sign, and an email from Avichal stating their intent of providing a stone base.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Mr. Boxberger reported that there is an issue with the New York State Department of Transportation’s request to have developers provide paperwork to them for review regarding any proposed project on a state highway or with access to a state highway that may have a significant increase in traffic flow. The Planning Board has been complying with this request; however, many times DOT does not respond or does not respond in a timely fashion. The Planning Board does not want to withhold action due to the delayed or non-response from NYSDOT as it is not required in Town law. Discussion followed.
Motion 59-23: Motion by Mr. Boxberger, seconded by Mr. Smith that the Planning Board adopt a simple policy that the Planning Board will submit projects to the New York State Department of Transportation rather than the developer on any project that has direct access to a state highway or may have a significant increase in vehicle load on a state highway along with notice that they have 30 days in which to notify the Planning Board of whether there is an impact that needs to be addressed with the developer. If there is no response in 30 days, the Planning Board has the right to move forward with approvals.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Mr. Boxberger will provide a letter to all Board members with wording for the creation of this policy.
Ed Valentine requested that the public agenda needs to be specific and list all address and tax map numbers of all proposed projects.
Motion 60-23: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded Mr. Vaas to adjourn the meeting at 4:45 p.m.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Susan Burdick
Court Clerk