Home » Meeting Minutes » October 7, 2021

October 7, 2021

Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
October 7, 2021

Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
Paul V. Desormo, Councilman
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Joanne McClusky, Councilwoman

Members Absent: Timothy McAtee, Councilman

Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a roll call of the members present at 7:00 pm.

MOTION #96-2021

Supervisor Bartlett moved to adopt the minutes from the September 9, 2021 Regular Meeting, Councilman Prosser seconded.

Ayes All

Supervisor Bartlett reconvened the public hearing at 7:03 pm regarding Local Law #3 of 2021for the zone change for a portion of parcel #82.07-1-2.1, 22088 County Route 60 (Floral Drive) from (R3) Residential 3 to (NC) Neighborhood Commercial.

Ari Goldberg, Barcley Damon Assoc. representing the applicant addressed the Board regarding the request for the zone change. He summarized the process so far to refresh everyone on the project. He asked if the Board would conclude the SEQR process and classify the action. The zone change would not be on the entire parcel and would only extend the NC zoning already in place on the northern portion of the property. He explained how the zone change for this project would fit into the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. They would also encompass agricultural operations into the project through livestock grazing or produce growing.

Dalles Mason from Nexamp spoke. She submitted the glair analysis from Fort Drum and the Watertown airports confirming there would be no hazardous impact. She also submitted reports from the US Fish and Wildlife Service and SHIPPO showing no impact.

No one else wished to speak; the public hearing was closed at 7:12 pm.

The floor was opened for general comments; no one wished to speak, the floor was closed.

Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerk’s Report.

Supervisor Bartlett informed the Board he will have the map, plan and engineering report available for the November meeting. He is having the plans revised to include Hadcock Road to the Town of Rutland line.

The Board was given the proposed year 2022 Town Budget for review. Supervisor Bartlett informed the Board he is anticipating an increase to 1.6 million in sales tax revenue. He feels he will be able maintain a zero-town tax rate again this year. He received $228,000 for COVID relief in 2021 and will received the same in 2022. There is and increase in workman’s compensation for the town and volunteer fire departments. He feels the town will need to hold off buying any new highway equipment this year.

The Board reviewed the Full EAF Parts 2 and 3 to change the zoning classification for a portion of parcel #82.07-1-2.1, 22088 County Route 60 (Floral Drive) from (R3) Residential 3 to (NC) Neighborhood Commercial that would allow for the development of two 3.5 MW ground mounted solar arrays.
The board determined, based on the information and analysis provided, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts.

MOTION #97-2021

Supervisor Bartlett offered a motion to accept the findings as set forth of the Full Environmental Assessment Form concerning Local Law No. 2 of the year 202. A Local Law to change the zoning classification for a portion of parcel #82.07-1-2.1, 22088 County Route 60 (Floral Drive) from (R3) Residential 3 to (NC) Neighborhood Commercial, seconded by Councilman Prosser.

Ayes All

MOTION #98-2021

WHEREAS, Local Law No. 2 of the year 2021, a Local Law to change the zoning classification for a portion of parcel #82.07-1-2.1, 22088 County Route 60 (Floral Drive) from (R3) Residential 3 to (NC) Neighborhood Commercial that would allow for the development of two 3.5 MW ground mounted solar arrays; and by a majority vote of the Councilmembers present at such meeting, a public hearing was duly scheduled to consider Local Law No. 2 of 2021 for September 9, 2021 and October 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM, and

WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was duly published and posted as required by law. On September 9, 2021 and October 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM, a public hearing was duly held to hear all persons interested in the subject matter of Local Law No. 2 of 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of the Town of Watertown as follows:

1. The foregoing recitations are incorporated herein and made a part hereof as if fully set forth hereafter.
2. The adoption of Local Law No. 2 of 2021 is an Unlisted action pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder.
3. This Board has now completed its review of the proposed Local Law pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and has issued its determination that the proposed Local Law will not have an impact on the Environment.

A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett and seconded by Councilmember Prosser and upon a roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately.

Supervisor Joel Bartlett yes
Councilman Paul Desormo yes
Councilman David Prosser yes
Councilman Timothy McAtee absent
Councilwoman Joanne McClusky yes

MOTION #99-2021
Town of Watertown
Local Law No. 2 of the year 2021

A Local Law to Amend Chapter 107 of the Code of the Town of Watertown, Zoning

Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Watertown as follows:

Article 1. – Statement of Authority. This Local Law is enacted, pursuant to the authority granted under Article 16 of the Town Law and Section 10 and 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law.

Article 2. – Statement of Purpose and Findings. The Town Board of the Town of Watertown hereby determines that it would be beneficial to rezone a portion of 22088 County Route 60 (Floral Drive) from an R-3 Zoning District to a NC Zoning District for compliance of the projects with the recently updated Town Zoning Code. It is the purpose of this Local Law to accomplish the same.

Article 3. Enactment. The Town Board of the Town of Watertown hereby amends Chapter 107-4 of the Code of the Town of Watertown is hereby amended as follows:

§ 107-4. Zoning Map [amended 2-24-2005 by L.L.No.1-2005; 12-8-2005 by L.L.No.5-2005; 12-17-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009; 11-10-2011 by L.L. No. 10-2011; 8-13-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015; 4-28-16 by L.L. No.1 – 2016]

“Said Districts are bounded as shown on a map entitled Zoning Map, Town of Watertown, dated October 7, 2021, and certified by the Town Clerk” which with all explanatory matter therein, is hereby made a part of this Chapter.

Article 4. Severability. The provisions of this law are severable and the invalidity of a particular provision shall not invalidate any other provision.

Article 5. Effective Date. This law shall be effective upon filing with the Secretary of State as required by the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law.

A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett and seconded by Councilmember Prosser and upon a roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Supervisor Joel Bartlett yes
Councilman Paul Desormo yes
Councilman David Prosser yes
Councilman Timothy McAtee absent
Councilwoman Joanne McClusky yes

The Board discussed the request from Showcat Khan to credit his water/sewer bill for charges underestimated when the town was unable to get an actual meter read. Mr. Khan does not feel he is responsible for this usage because he does not feel he used this amount of water. This bill was based on the actual read taken from the meter when the new unit was installed. He was billed for the read shown on the meter which was higher than the utility package estimated. Supervisor Bartlett will inform Mr. Khan of the Board’s discission that the bill is acuate and must be paid. They agreed to offer a payment plan if he would like. If necessary, he will ask Attorney Russell to write a letter of explanation.

MOTION #100-2021

WHEREAS, Bowers and Co., the town accountants have submitted a fee for service contract to provide accounting service (attached as exhibit A) for the fiscal year 2022; and

Under the terms and conditions set forth in the attached proposal Bowers and Co. will perform accounting services for the town at the monthly fee of $1,800.00;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of Watertown for accounting services for the fiscal year 2022.

A motion to adopt the forgoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Prosser.

Ayes All
MOTION #101-2021

WHEREAS, the Volunteer Transportation Center has submitted a fee for service contract (attached as exhibit B) and budget request in the amount of $1,875.00 for providing transportation to doctor appointments and other needed transportation to food services etc. for the fiscal year 2022.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of Watertown for transportation services with the Volunteer Transportation Center in the amount of $1,875.00 for the fiscal year 2022.

A motion to adopt the forgoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Desormo.

Ayes All

MOTION #102-2021

WHEREAS, the South Jefferson Central School District has submitted an inter-municipal summer recreation program for year 2022. The program includes town youth participation in summer youth events and activities. They are requesting funding a portion of the costs to provide the service to town youth; and

WHEREAS, some of the activities provided include educational tours, and other educational activities in the local area; and

WHEREAS, the program will provide recreational activities for youths in kindergarten through 8th grade for 5 weeks beginning July 6th, 2022 and ending August 6th, 2022,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of Watertown the youth recreational and educational services provided by the South Jefferson Central School District for the period of July 6th
through August 6th, 2022 with the cost for said services set at $2,500.00.

A motion to adopt the forgoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilwoman McClusky.

Ayes All

Councilman Prosser inquired if the town has received the report concerning how many town students participated in the program in 2021.

Supervisor Bartlett will request that information.

MOTION #103-2021

WHEREAS, applications have been received to fill a vacancy that exists in the town public works department; and upon review by the Public Works Superintendent, Michael K. McDonald meets all the criteria necessary for a provisional hire in the town department; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Michael K. McDonald is hereby appointed to a probationary position of wage grade MEO-2. Wherein after successful completion of the probationary period Mr. McDonald will be granted permanent full-time status within the department

A motion to adopt the forgoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Desormo.

Ayes All

MOTION #104-2021

WHEREAS, it is necessary to transfer funds within accounts in the Fiscal Yar 2021 budget to balance appropriation accounts.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to transfer the following;


Unappropriated Fund Balance Contingent Account A1990.4 $7500.00
Decrease code A1990.4 Contingent Acct Increase Code D5130.4 $7500.00

Interfund Transfers:

Water 6 to Water 4 $ 19,050.00
Water 4 to Water 3 $ 37,441.00
Sewer 2 to Sewer 3 $207,267.00
Sewer 5 to Sewer 4 $ 11,436.00

Transfer From:

Increase Appr Fund Balance to $40,064.00
Increased Contingent Account A1990.4 $40,064.00
Increase Engineering Account A1440.4 $40,064.00

A motion to adopt the forgoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Prosser.

Ayes All

MOTION #105-2021

WHEREAS, public works employee John Eaves has met eligibility requirements for a wage grade increase and Public Works Superintendent recommends said wage grade increase.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, John Eaves is hereby promoted from MEO-3 to MEO-2 commencing in the next full pay period of 2021.

A motion to adopt the forgoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilwoman McClusky.

Ayes All

MOTION #106-2021

Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.

Utilities paid prior to the meeting
General Vouchers # 197 to 198 Total $ 2,308.84
Highway Vouchers # to Total $
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 92 to 92 Total $ 3,850.06

Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 199 to 211 Total $ 16,313.68
Highway Vouchers # 157 to 165 Total $ 24,842.39
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 93 to 98 Total $ 161,395.54

Councilmember Prosser seconded the motion.

Ayes All

The bids for the 2000 Sterling Garbage Truck with a 7-yard packer were opened.

MOTION #107-2021

WHEREAS, the Town Council authorized a public notice calling for sealed bids for highway department surplus equipment of a 2000 Sterling Garbage Truck with a 7-yard packer that is no longer of use to the department at the September 9th, 2021meeting and upon receipt and review of bids submitted, by 3:00 pm, October 7th, 2021; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following bid are hereby accepted and authorized for the sale of said equipment in as condition:

2000 Sterling Garbage Truck with a 7-yard packer Alex Thomas- $510.00

A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Desormo.
Ayes All

MOTION #108-2021

Supervisor Bartlett moved to schedule a special meeting October 21, 2021 at 7:00 pm to review the Town’s 2022 Budget and other town business, seconded by Councilman Prosser.

Ayes All

Councilman Desormo asked Highway Superintendent Clement to look at some pot holes on the corner of Cagwin Road. He has received complaints about it. Highway Superintendent Clement has it scheduled next week for repair.

MOTION #109-2021

Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 PM, seconded by Councilman Desormo.

Ayes All

Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601