Home » Meeting Minutes » June 11, 2020

June 11, 2020

Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
June 11, 2020

Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
Paul V. Desormo, Councilman
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Timothy McAtee, Councilman
Joanne McClusky, Councilwoman

Members Absent:

Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting with a roll call of members present at 7:00 pm. Attorney Russell was also present.

MOTION #51-2020

Supervisor Bartlett moved to adopt the minutes from the May 14, 2020 Regular Meeting, Councilman McAtee seconded.

Ayes All

The floor was opened for public comments;

Dave Roof, representing the Town of Watertown Ambulance addressed the Board with the current status of their operation. They purchased a building on Co. Rte. 155 in October of 2019. They had just started renovations when the COVID-19 shutdown began and everything was stopped. Due to the shutdown calls were reduced by 40% in the months of March and April. They are currently running 15% lower than the usual service numbers at this time last year. The entire staff has been tested for the virus with all negative results. Mr. Roof offered the town to allow the contracted payment due at the end of June be delayed. Under the current conditions they realize the financial hardship everyone is facing as a result of the COVID lockdown.

Supervisor Bartlett thanked Mr. Roof. He explained that sale tax revenue is down and the exact numbers will not be known until June 20th. At that point the Board might have to discuss budget numbers to balance out the shortfalls. Supervisor Bartlett offered two installment payments of the contracted balance owed of $65,000.00. The first payment of 50% will be paid at the end of June with the balance due in August. Mr. Russell will draw up the MOU for both parties to sign.

No one else wished to speak, the floor was closed.

Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerks report.


MOTION #52-2020

WHEREAS, the Town of Watertown participates in the North Country Home Consortium for the purpose of making funding available from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to low and moderate families for housing with funding for owner occupied rehabilitation, first time home buyers assistance and rental rehabilitation; and

WHEREAS, participation in the North Country Home Consortium must be renewed so that town residents and property owners can access this funding from the Home Consortium for the period 2021 through 2023.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town of Watertown hereby reauthorizes the Home Consortium Cooperation Agreement for the years 2021 through 2023.

Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser.

Ayes All

MOTION #53-2020

Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.

Utilities paid prior to the meeting
General Vouchers # 99 to 100 Total $ 12,934.81
Highway Vouchers # 60 to 60 Total $ 16,291.68
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 37 to 37 Total $ 2,421.98

Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 101 to 112 Total $ 61,900.45
Highway Vouchers # 61 to 73 Total $ 4,679.95
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 38 to 41 Total $ 90,047.21

Councilmember Desormo seconded the motion.

Ayes All

Supervisor Bartlett discussed the MOU of the Scope of Work agreement for the transfer of land between the Town of Watertown and Lundy Construction in the AgPark off NYS Rte 3. This would entail the extension of the water and sewer districts and the construction of a road. Supervisor Bartlett will have Mr. Lundy’s attorney draw up the contract to include the MOU attachment dated 4/14/20 for review and approval by the Town.

The Board discussed issues in the Industrial Park concerning the differences between the covenants and the zoning code. The JCIDA has inquired if the town would consider revising the zoning code to mirror the covenants in this area to possibly prevent litigation on future projects. Supervisor Bartlett asked Mrs. Desormo, Planning Board Co-Chair to join in on a conference zoom call Tuesday morning with JCIDA and other interested parties concerning this issue. The town has no obligation to enforce land covenants; this would be the responsibility of the land owners.

Highway Superintendent Rohr explained the CHIP’s funds and projects he has on scheduled for this year. He feels he has almost enough funds to pave Weaver Road and purchase a pickup truck for the highway department. Mr. Rohr needs to schedule for paving as soon as possible with the County. The job needs to be completed early enough to get receipts in to the State for reimbursement. He informed the Board if the receipts are submitted by the end of September, the town could get reimbursed by the end of the fiscal year.

Supervisor Bartlett is concerned with funding this year because of the lack of capital due to the COVID-19 shutdown. He will not know the sales tax revenues numbers until after June 20th. He is concerned the funds will not be available for the project and equipment. He does not believe the funds will be reimbursed this fiscal year.

Superintendent Rohr announced he will be retiring October 31, 2020.

MOTION #54-2020

Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 pm, seconded by Supervisor Bartlett.

Ayes All

Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk

Comments are closed.

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601