Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
August 12, 2019
Members Present: Pam Desormo, Co-Chair
Terry MacAdam
Randy Vaas
Members Excused: Tom Boxberger
Jim Smith
Mrs. Desormo called the rescheduled regular meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 3:00 p.m.
Motion 67-19: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to reschedule the September meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. due to the Labor Day Holiday.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 68-19: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Vaas to scheduled a special meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board with the Tug Hill Commission for Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. to discuss zoning amendments.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 69-19: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr . MacAdam to accept the minutes from the July 8, 2019 meeting as written and distributed.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 70-19: Motion by Mr. Vaas, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to accept the
minutes from the July 15, 2019 special meeting as written and
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Salmon Run Mall – Tax Map #82.11-1-50.21 – 2 Lot Subdivision
Kyle Hopkins, General Manager, Salmon Run Mall, appear before the board for a 2 lot subdivision. Originally Salmon Run Mall applied for a 3 lot subdivision to separate Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse from the Salmon Run Mall Parcel, allowing each to be a separate parcel. They went before the Town of Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals on August 7, 2019 and were granted variances. They are now asking for a revision from the original 3 lot subdivision request to a 2 lot subdivision. This would allow Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse to be separate from Salmon Run Mall’s main parcel. Discussion followed.
Motion 71-19: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to waive the public hearing for Salmon Run Mall, Tax Map #82.11-1-50.21 for a 2 lot subdivision for Longhorn Steakhouse and Olive Garden, as a public hearing was held by the Zoning Board of Appeals on August 7, 2019 and no one from the public wished to speak for or against this matter.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 72-19: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to grant a 2 lot subdivision for Salmon Run Mall, Tax Map #82.11-1-50.21 to separate a lot known as Lot #4 being 3.150 acres. This removes Longhorn Steakhouse and Olive Garden from the Salmon Run Mall parcel, as shown on plans prepared by CT Male Associates, dated 5/14/19, and latest revision date of 8/12/19, signed by David Uhrinec, consisting of Sheet 1 of 1, Drawing #19-0316, conditional upon satisfactory review of lot descriptions.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
TI Ag Park, LLC – NYS Route 3 – Tax Map #82.00-2-1 & #82.00-2-1.701 – Revision of a previously approved 7 lot subdivision to a 9 lot subdivision.
Pat Scordo, GYMO, approached the board regarding a revision of a previously approved 7 lot subdivision for TI Ag Park, LLC, NYS Route 3, Tax Map #82.00-1-1 & #82.00-2-1.701. Mr. Scordo submitted revised plans, a new application, and the fee.
Mr. Scordo stated that revised plans call for the addition of two lots to the previously approved subdivision. Discussion followed.
A revised SEQR needs to be submitted. The board will table this matter until they receive some legal guidance regarding road frontage.
TI Ag Park, LLC – NYS Route 3 – Tax Map #82.00-2-1 – Eagle Beverage – Lot #6 – 6,300 square foot building – Revision to previously approved site plan to move Eagle Beverage to a newly created Lot #7.
Mr. Scordo submitted modified plans to move Eagle Beverage from a previously approved Lot #6 to a proposed Lot #7. Discussion followed.
Mr. Scordo will submit copies of this modified site plan for submission to the Jefferson County Department of Planning for their review.
The board stated that more vegetation needs to be cited on the plans. Also an updated Short EAF and elevations of the building need to be submitted.
Motion 73-19: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Vaas to scheduled a special meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board for August 21, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. to discuss Planning Board issues.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Motion 74-19: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mrs. Desormo to adjourn the meeting at 3:55 p.m.
Ayes All: Motion Carried.
Susan Burdick