March 6, 2017

Regular Meeting
Town of Watertown Planning Board
March 6, 2017

Members Present: Pam Desormo, Co-Chair
Terry MacAdam
Jim Smith
Randy Vaas

Members Excused: Tom Boxberger

Mrs Desormo called the regular meeting of the Town of Watertown Planning Board to order at 7:00 p.m.

Motion 8-17: Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to accept the minutes of the February 6, 2017 meeting as written and distributed.

Ayes 4: Motion Carried.


Ed Donato – 18973 Watertown Center Loop – Tax Map #91.05-1-66 – 2 Lot Subdivision

Legal notice was published in the newspaper and evidence that adjacent property owners were notified was submitted.

The public hearing was opened at 7:02 p.m.

An adjacent property owner wanted to know what project was going to built on the subdivided property.

The board stated that at this time the only action being taken is the 2 lot subdivision.

The public hearing was closed at 7:02 p.m.


Forefront Power, LLC – Solar Project on Teddy Sutton’s Property located at 24805 County Route 67 – Tax Map #91.00-1-10.2 – Site Plan for Solar Project.

Legal notice was published in the newspaper. As a courtesy, the town mailed notices to all adjacent property owners on County Route 67.

The public hearing was opened at 7:03 p.m.

Lloyd & Paula Hurlbut and Michael & Mary Kiernan, adjacent property owners, asked for an outline of the proposed project. Drew Lent from Tetra Tech outline the proposed plans.

The neighbors feel that the existing brush on County Route 67 is very sparse and have requested that more of a buffer (vegetative or green fence) be required.

The public hearing was closed at 7:15 p.m.



McCabe Plumbing & Heating – 20691/707 – NYS Route 232 – Tax Map #90.00-6-15.2 – Sign Permit.

Gurney McCabe stated he was notified by the Town’s Code Enforcement Officer that the digital sign he recently installed is prohibited in the Town of Watertown. Mr. McCabe stated that he was unaware of the sign regulations. He did not apply for a sign permit as he was replacing an existing sign. The new sign is digital and the text changes about every 2 to 3 minutes.

Mr. McCabe asked that the Planning Board revisit the existing sign regulations to see if the law can be changed to allow business to have digital signs. He cited numerous locations in other town/villages and the city that allow these signs. He also stated that he has received many compliments on his new sign. Discussion followed.

The board stated that there is a process to changing the sign laws and nothing will happen overnight. The planning board will look into scheduling a workshop meeting to review the current sign regulations when all board members are available. After their review, any recommendations for changes will have to go before the Town Board for their approval.

Mr. McCabe state that at this time he has programmed his sign to remain stationary when in use. The board also asked that Mr. McCabe look into turning down the intensity of the lights on the sign as it is very bright at night.

The board stated that at this time the current sign regulations need to be enforced. The board cannot act on this prohibited sign. Mr. McCabe has the option of applying for a Use Variance with the Town of Watertown’s Zoning Board of Appeals if he feels that he can prove a hardship.

Mike’s Pig Pen – 18938 Watertown Center Loop – Tax Map #91.05-1-67.4 – Sign Permit.

Mike Cornell stated that he was also notified by the Town’s Code Enforcement Officer that the digital-scrolling sign he recently installed is not allowed under sign regulations in the Town of Watertown. Mr. Cornell stated that this new signs is used to advertise his daily specials. He stated that business has been bad and he needed to get the word out about his daily specials. He asked that he be allowed to use the sign during business hours. Discussion followed.

The board reiterated that the existing sign laws cannot change overnight. Mr. Cornell must stop using the digital-scrolling sign. Mr. Cornell has the option of applying for a use variance with the ZBA if he feels that he can prove a hardship. Mr. Cornell stated that he would apply for a Use Variance with the ZBA.


Ed Donato – 18973 Watertown Center Loop – Tax Map #91-05-1-66 – 2 Lot Subdivision

The board reviewed the proposed plans for a 2 lot subdivision at 18973 Watertown Center Loop. Lot descriptions have been reviewed.


Motion 9-17: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Smith to grant a 2 lot subdivision for Edward & Amy Donato, 18973 Watertown Center Loop, Tax Map #91.05-1-66 as show on a Map V101 prepared by Storino Geomatices, File #16-055-WAT. Dated 12/12/16 and a revision date of 1/3/17. The new parcel will be .73 acres with the residual parcel being 2.04 acres.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Karla/Junior Stefanini – 23905 Spring Valley Drive – Tax Map #83.18-1-16.3 – 2 Lot Subdivision.

Mr. Richardson, on behalf of Karla & Junior Stefanini, submitted proposed plans for a 2 lot subdivision at 23905 Spring Valley Drive. Discussion followed.

It was noted, for the record, that the Stefanini’s were denied a use variance to build a separate house on their property at both the February & March Town of Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals meetings.

Motion 10-17: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to schedule a public hearing for Karla/Junior Stefanini for a 2 lot subdivision at 23905 Spring Valley Drive on Monday, April 3, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., conditional upon receipt of a completed application, SEQRA, Survey, and lot descriptions.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Forefront Power, LLC/Tetra Tech – Solar Project on Teddy Sutton’s Property – 24805 County Route 67 – Tax Map #91.00-1-10.2 – Site Plan.

The Jefferson County Department of Planning review of this proposed project, dated 3/1/17, was entered into record (Attachment #1).

The board reviewed the updated plans as requested at the February 6, 2017 meeting.

As requested at the public hearing held tonight by adjacent property owners, an additional green buffer the full length of the property on County Route 67 will be required. Discussion followed.

Motion 11-17: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Smith to grant site plan approval for Tetra Tech for a Solar Project known as Brookside Solar on property owned by Teddy Sutton located at 24805 County Route 67, Tax Map #91.00-1-10.2 and shown on plans drawn by Robert Holmes, PE with an original date of 2/7/17 and a final date of 2/13/17, consisting of Sheets C003, C005, C006 & C011, conditional upon the installation of a green fence or low plantings across the full length of the property line on County Route 67.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.


Sundance Leisure – 19281 US Route 11 – Tax Map #91.05-1-7.3-701 – Site Plan for a 12′ x 30′ Three-Season Room Display Area.

Brian Fraser submitted proposed plans for a 12′ x 30′ three-season room display area off the front of the store at 19281 US Route 11. The room will be used for display items. Discussion followed.

Motion 12-17: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. Smith to waive site plan review as the proposed three-season room is insignificant in size and there will not be any structural changes to the existing building.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

The board will require that Mr. Fraser obtain a zoning permit from the Town of Watertown and a building permit from Jefferson County.

Mr. Fraser also discussed changing the existing signage for Sundance Leisure. The current sign is over 25 years old and he has been pricing digital signs, however, in light of tonight’s discussing on digital signs, Mr. Fraser will come back after the board has reviewed the current sign regulations.

Fuccillo Subaru/Hyundai – 18352 US Route 11 – Tax Map #90.12-1-23.41 & 90.12-1-23.42 – Demolish Existing Building and Construct new 23,800 Square Foot Building – Site Plan.

Matt Morgia, Aubertine & Currier, presented proposed plans for a new dealership at 18352 US Route 11. An application, SEQRA, and survey map were submitted. The two tax parcel numbers are in the process of being joined. Discussion followed.

The board asked that the Town of Watertown Fire Department be contacted regarding a lock box and the Town of Watertown Highway Superintendent be contacted regarding utilities.

This project will be referred to Jefferson County Department of Planning for their review.

Motion 13-17: Motion by Mrs. Desormo, seconded by Mr. MacAdam to schedule a public hearing for Fuccillo Subaru/Hyndai, 18352 US Route 11, for site plan review for a 23,800 square foot building on Monday, April 3, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

The board will schedule a workshop meeting to review sign regulations when all board members are available.

Motion 14-17: Motion by Mr. MacAdam, seconded by Mr. Smith to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m.

Ayes All: Motion Carried.

Susan Burdick

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